Thursday, 20 December 2012

Zodiac Card The Devil - Capricorn

zodiac card the devil capricorn

The Devil is associated with the zodiac sign Capricorn. If Capricorn is either your sun, moon or rising sign, then the Devil is one of your zodiac cards.

As a sun sign card, the Devil may reflect your conscious, expressive, outward, open personality; how you engage with people and the world around you.

As a moon sign card, the Devil reflects your unconscious, hidden, blocked personality traits, instincts and emotions; you feel them within.

As your ascendant (or rising sign), the Devil reflects how other people see you, especially when they first meet you. Your ascendant shows your natural, habitual, instinctive and spontaneous reaction to new people and situations. First impressions!

Personality Traits associated with the Devil:

Positive: hard-working, practical, organised, neat and tidy, materialistic tendencies, perfectionism, persevering, disciplined, prudent, ambitious, enterprising, restrained, faithful

Negative: calculating, dictatorial, manipulative, pessimistic, grudging, ruthless, self-conscious, cautious, inhibited, serious

The Devil/Capricorn Life lessons:
  • following ambition not just for material gain but also for creative expression
  • learning to meet and master the temptations of life
  • looking at the brighter side of life and not taking everything so seriously
  • learning to be self-disciplined at times of struggle rather than escaping into addiction
  • overcoming fear of failure by reasoning and developing a more optimistic mindset
  • letting go of the need to control the outside world to create inner peace
  • reigning in obsessive need for power by sharing knowledge and skills with others

The following Capricorn correspondences also relate to the Devil:

Element: Earth
Season/Timing: Winter (December 22 - January 20)
Ruling Planets: Saturn (also associated with The World)
Stone: Jet, Obsidian
Key Word: Ambition
Key Phrase: I Use

Curious about combining Tarot with Astrology? Check out my Starlight Astrology Self-Study Course

Starlight Tarot Astrology Course

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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

New Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Reading

Tarot of Quotes
As promised in my previous post, here are the cards I have drawn last week for my New Moon reading.

In Tarot, Sagittarius is linked to Temperance, which indicates a need for balance, moderation, harmony, healing and spiritual growth. The card that came up right behind Temperance was the Fool.

Here in connection with Temperance, the Fool is suggesting to create balance and spiritual growth by starting afresh in areas in my life I have been feeling stuck for a while. The Fool is about being open and receptive to new opportunities without fear. Avoiding too much planning ahead and instead living in the here and now. Taking a leap of faith and trusting to be on the right path.

The next card I drew was the Lovers as my goal. The Lovers indicate a need to focus on relationships. Openness, honesty and clear thinking will create harmony and healing. Relationship issues need to be resolved once and for all. I know what I need to do ;)

What is the next step to take? To answer this question, I drew the Ten of Pentacles. Security and stability are important factors in a relationship, but with Temperance as an influencing energy, it is also important to combine traditional values with personal principles and needs. This can cause quite a stir ;) Blending conflicting needs and expectations will help to build and maintain strong emotional bonds. This in turn will lead to healing and abundance.

Knight of Wands' strengths (Temperance Persona card) to utilise to achieve goal: courageous, passionate, pro-active, confident, inspiring

Knight of Wands' weaknesses to avoid: Arguments, turmoil, recklessness

On the 28th December, the full moon will be in Cancer (Chariot, Queen of Cups); what will come to fruition at that time? You can do your own moon readings in 2013 with my Tarot Moon Journal.

Warmest wishes,


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Sunday, 9 December 2012

New Moon Reading Spread

Temperance tarot of quotes
Tarot of Quotes 
On the 13th December the new moon will enter Sagittarius. The Tarot cards linked to this zodiac sign are Temperance and the Knight of Wands.

Why not try a new moon reading on that day?

The new moon is a good time for coming up with new ideas, setting intentions, starting new projects and making plans to be realised over the coming weeks ahead.

Temperance as the dominant energy at this time may ask us to focus on areas such as balance, harmony, spirituality and healthy living. It can also mean that our concerns in any aspect of our lives, choices and decision-making can be  influenced by these energies.

As Sagittarius is linked to the planet Jupiter, there may also be a need for growth, expansion and journeys, both internally and externally.

You can now explore a more specific issue you would like to address at this time:

Shuffle your deck well, and then hold it with the images facing you. Look through your cards until you reach Temperance. The card that is behind Temperance is what you need to address in terms of balance, growth, health and expansion.

If you want to take this reading further, you can draw another one or two cards on action to take and possible outcome.

The Knight of Wands may offer you some insight on your personal qualities you will need to utilise during this time. What qualities of the Knight of Wands can help you at this time? Which ones may hinder you and need to be avoided?

I'd love to know how you got on with this spread. Please post a message below. I will be sharing my reading  a few days after the new moon.

And if you love this kind of Tarot journalling, you may like to download my Tarot Moon Journal 2013 workbook. It's only a Fiver, a small expense that will offer you new insights and personal growth for a whole year.

Warmest wishes,


Transform your life this year: 

Tarot Readings - Insightful guidance when you need it 
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Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Inspirational Messages from the World

the world tarot of quotes
Tarot of Quotes
Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I’ve ended up where I needed to be." 
Douglas Adams

"Every man dies. Not every man really lives." 
William Ross Wallace.

"You are not in this world to live up to other people’s expectations, nor should you feel the world must live up to yours." 
Frederic Perl

Affirmation: I am content.

Love Tarot and Spirituality?

For more inspiring quotes and affirmations for each card please check out my ebook Empowering Messages from the Tarot

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Tarot Readings - Insightful guidance when you need it
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