Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Feeling Alive

Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle

Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle
© Doreen Virtue 2003

I've been trapped in the house for the last five days by the snow. My car was hopelessly stuck in the nearby cul-de-sac; it's one of those useless cars with front-wheel drive, so it just didn't want to budge.

Today I decided I had to get out to go to the gym and do some grocery shopping. Needless to say, the car was stubbornly staying put on the snowy/icy surface of the road.

I had to get a shovel and dig it out. Gasp!

After a week of feeling cosy and comfy at home, I threw myself at the mercy of the adverse UK weather conditions. I even contemplated digging my car out - I've never done that before in my life!

To cut a long story short, I started off half-heartedly and wanted to give up after five minutes.

But a little voice told me not to give up, and I kept on digging and trying to move the car, got hot and sweaty along the way, but also more determined not to give up. By then, I was digging for victory.

And in the process I started to feel alive.

I realised that during the last five days I was just a little too comfy in my little bubble at home.

I needed a moment like this to wake up and feel my whole body move and work and sweat. Hell, I was on the way to the gym, and this dig was my warm-up!

I felt alive, because I had to overcome a challenge I've never had to deal with before. In the past, it would be  a job I'd pass on to the man in my life, but not today.

It took me half and hour and two Jehova's Witnesses (bless them!), who gave me the final push and set my car free.

It felt like waking up from a slumber, and I'm now thinking that we all need something every day that will make us feel alive.

No need for it to be anything out of this world; just an ordinary task or situation, which is experienced mindfully and consciously. 

The card above from Doreen Virtue's Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle has come up as a message regarding my experience today - a lesson learned, and it makes sense:

I was nearly giving up and going back into the house, but I decided not to quit. So many people give up on what they want to achieve without realising that with a little more effort they were just about to make it.

Sometimes you just need to hang in there a bit longer and keep going.

What has made you feel alive today? 

If you feel you need to get out of apathy, routine or even out of your comfort zone, why not ask the Tarot:

What can I do today to make me feel alive? 

Use the cards to encourage you to live life to the full. And please do let me know how it works for you. I'd be thrilled to hear from you.

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness


Thursday, 21 March 2013

Happy Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox Oracle of Quotes

The days are getting longer, but due to the snow we've been having here in Leeds, the warmer weather just seems like a distant dream away.

Despite the cold, the Robin in the garden is building his nest - so pleased to see he's building it in the ivy growing up the wall of our house.

His little family will be safe up there from the cats at least.

The Robin has inspired me to create a new image for my oracle deck in progress, which will be in the same style as my Tarot of Quotes. Feel free to share it.

The Spring Equinox is a time of new life emerging and the promise of long, sunny, carefree summer days ahead.

Spring heralds the dawning of creativity, generating new ideas, making plans, setting goals and working on turning dreams into reality.

It's like sowing seeds and nurturing them to fruition.

What are your creative aspirations you would like to pursue and manifest over the coming months?

If you want to use the Tarot for guidance, you can try out my Ostara tarot spread to explore your opportunities and make things happen.

It's always so rewarding to see how students benefit from my teachings.

Please read Joanna's seasonal article about how she has applied astrology in her tarot work on her blog Sun Goddess Tarot.

It's an inspirational springtime read, and from there you can explore and enjoy even more interesting tarot related articles.

🌺Wishing you a Blessed and Inspiring Spring Equinox🌷


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness