Thursday, 20 December 2012

Zodiac Card The Devil - Capricorn

zodiac card the devil capricorn

The Devil is associated with the zodiac sign Capricorn. If Capricorn is either your sun, moon or rising sign, then the Devil is one of your zodiac cards.

As a sun sign card, the Devil may reflect your conscious, expressive, outward, open personality; how you engage with people and the world around you.

As a moon sign card, the Devil reflects your unconscious, hidden, blocked personality traits, instincts and emotions; you feel them within.

As your ascendant (or rising sign), the Devil reflects how other people see you, especially when they first meet you. Your ascendant shows your natural, habitual, instinctive and spontaneous reaction to new people and situations. First impressions!

Personality Traits associated with the Devil:

Positive: hard-working, practical, organised, neat and tidy, materialistic tendencies, perfectionism, persevering, disciplined, prudent, ambitious, enterprising, restrained, faithful

Negative: calculating, dictatorial, manipulative, pessimistic, grudging, ruthless, self-conscious, cautious, inhibited, serious

The Devil/Capricorn Life lessons:
  • following ambition not just for material gain but also for creative expression
  • learning to meet and master the temptations of life
  • looking at the brighter side of life and not taking everything so seriously
  • learning to be self-disciplined at times of struggle rather than escaping into addiction
  • overcoming fear of failure by reasoning and developing a more optimistic mindset
  • letting go of the need to control the outside world to create inner peace
  • reigning in obsessive need for power by sharing knowledge and skills with others

The following Capricorn correspondences also relate to the Devil:

Element: Earth
Season/Timing: Winter (December 22 - January 20)
Ruling Planets: Saturn (also associated with The World)
Stone: Jet, Obsidian
Key Word: Ambition
Key Phrase: I Use

Curious about combining Tarot with Astrology? Check out my Starlight Astrology Self-Study Course

Starlight Tarot Astrology Course

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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

New Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Reading

Tarot of Quotes
As promised in my previous post, here are the cards I have drawn last week for my New Moon reading.

In Tarot, Sagittarius is linked to Temperance, which indicates a need for balance, moderation, harmony, healing and spiritual growth. The card that came up right behind Temperance was the Fool.

Here in connection with Temperance, the Fool is suggesting to create balance and spiritual growth by starting afresh in areas in my life I have been feeling stuck for a while. The Fool is about being open and receptive to new opportunities without fear. Avoiding too much planning ahead and instead living in the here and now. Taking a leap of faith and trusting to be on the right path.

The next card I drew was the Lovers as my goal. The Lovers indicate a need to focus on relationships. Openness, honesty and clear thinking will create harmony and healing. Relationship issues need to be resolved once and for all. I know what I need to do ;)

What is the next step to take? To answer this question, I drew the Ten of Pentacles. Security and stability are important factors in a relationship, but with Temperance as an influencing energy, it is also important to combine traditional values with personal principles and needs. This can cause quite a stir ;) Blending conflicting needs and expectations will help to build and maintain strong emotional bonds. This in turn will lead to healing and abundance.

Knight of Wands' strengths (Temperance Persona card) to utilise to achieve goal: courageous, passionate, pro-active, confident, inspiring

Knight of Wands' weaknesses to avoid: Arguments, turmoil, recklessness

On the 28th December, the full moon will be in Cancer (Chariot, Queen of Cups); what will come to fruition at that time? You can do your own moon readings in 2013 with my Tarot Moon Journal.

Warmest wishes,


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Sunday, 9 December 2012

New Moon Reading Spread

Temperance tarot of quotes
Tarot of Quotes 
On the 13th December the new moon will enter Sagittarius. The Tarot cards linked to this zodiac sign are Temperance and the Knight of Wands.

Why not try a new moon reading on that day?

The new moon is a good time for coming up with new ideas, setting intentions, starting new projects and making plans to be realised over the coming weeks ahead.

Temperance as the dominant energy at this time may ask us to focus on areas such as balance, harmony, spirituality and healthy living. It can also mean that our concerns in any aspect of our lives, choices and decision-making can be  influenced by these energies.

As Sagittarius is linked to the planet Jupiter, there may also be a need for growth, expansion and journeys, both internally and externally.

You can now explore a more specific issue you would like to address at this time:

Shuffle your deck well, and then hold it with the images facing you. Look through your cards until you reach Temperance. The card that is behind Temperance is what you need to address in terms of balance, growth, health and expansion.

If you want to take this reading further, you can draw another one or two cards on action to take and possible outcome.

The Knight of Wands may offer you some insight on your personal qualities you will need to utilise during this time. What qualities of the Knight of Wands can help you at this time? Which ones may hinder you and need to be avoided?

I'd love to know how you got on with this spread. Please post a message below. I will be sharing my reading  a few days after the new moon.

And if you love this kind of Tarot journalling, you may like to download my Tarot Moon Journal 2013 workbook. It's only a Fiver, a small expense that will offer you new insights and personal growth for a whole year.

Warmest wishes,


Transform your life this year: 

Tarot Readings - Insightful guidance when you need it 
Learn Tarot - A magickal, inspirational tool for life.
Tarot eBooks - Great value, innovative Tarot study material

Learn more about Tarot and Astrology with my new online course.

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Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Inspirational Messages from the World

the world tarot of quotes
Tarot of Quotes
Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I’ve ended up where I needed to be." 
Douglas Adams

"Every man dies. Not every man really lives." 
William Ross Wallace.

"You are not in this world to live up to other people’s expectations, nor should you feel the world must live up to yours." 
Frederic Perl

Affirmation: I am content.

Love Tarot and Spirituality?

For more inspiring quotes and affirmations for each card please check out my ebook Empowering Messages from the Tarot

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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Tarot Astrology: Sun in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Gemini

The Cosmic Tarot, Norbert Lösche
Cosmic Tarot, Norbert Lösche © 1988 F.X. Schmid
Tomorrow the energies of the full moon in Gemini (Lovers) together with the lunar eclipse will mingle with those of the current sun sign Sagittarius (Temperance). What do these two cards tell us about this astrological combination? What do we need to pay attention to at this time?

We have already experienced this combination in May this year, when the full moon was in Sagittarius with Gemini in the sun, and the emphasis at that time was about healing relationships.

Whilst Temperance is asking us to focus on moderation and harmony, the airy energy of the Lovers reminds us to strive for mental equilibrium. The key phrase is "mind over matter".

Temperance suggests a need to reduce, de-clutter and discard; less is more! Combined with the Lovers this may well relate to information overload. Are you getting carried away floating around the internet reading too much stuff about other people? All that random unimportant rubbish clearly serves no purpose to your life and well-being.
The Temperance/Lovers combination is asking you to
  • heal your way of thinking, and be more discerning about the information you are seeking and absorbing; avoid reality TV and celebrity gossip trash in favour of what inspires your creative potential. 
  • slow down, even when the collective madness of the world around you is speeding up; let go of those constant status updates, Twitter feeds and other mind-cluttering titbits bombarding your smart phone. Instead, enjoy listening to classical music, have a calming bath, light some candles and other sensory pleasures that help you clear your mind from excess clutter. 
  • reduce your anxiety levels, which may be raised at the time of the Gemini full moon. In Tarot, Gemini is also linked to the Nine of Swords, which is associated with worries and fears. Keep anything at bay that induces or increases feelings of anxiety, which can keep you from making the right connections that help you move forward, evolve or understand the bigger picture. 
  • play and be creative. Find productive projects that utilise your mental energy, intellect and imagination. Best to be shared with family, friends and in social circles - playing games, cooking, crafting, telling stories.
The Temperance/Lovers energy combination can help you focus on mental clarity and free thinking. Collaborate with others rather than compete. Strive for new knowledge that aids health, rejuvenation and personal transformation.
How will you take advantage of the Temperance/Lovers energy mix this month? Do you feel you need a break from media overload and social networking to clear your thoughts and create more space for healthier and more grounded activities?
This week seems like an ideal time for a serious mind detox ;)

Enjoy! It will do you good.
Warmest wishes,


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Monday, 26 November 2012

Weekly Inspiration: Abundance

“Riches are not from abundance of worldly goods, but from a contented mind.” Mohammed

It’s not easy feeling rich when you have to make ends meet.

It’s tough to be poor worrying about putting enough food on the table for your family and having the money to pay next month’s rent.

As a student back in the 80s, I was badly strapped for cash whilst creating a massive student loan debt, which took me 20 years to pay off.

In those days I never felt particularly well off. Although I wasn’t starving and could afford paying for a roof over my head, there were certain things I could never afford and experience, such as fabulous holidays abroad.

Sometimes I felt disappointed and frustrated; there I was, paying off my debt by working in corporate jobs that made me ill, while others seemed to have a whale of a time buying large houses, driving luxury cars and going on fancy holidays and weekend breaks twice a year.

Thankfully, I never felt envious; I was just wondering, how these people managed to afford those expenses.

Today I know they took out massive debts to feed their desire to have it all and “to keep up with the Jones’s”.

Now that I’ve entered the second half of my life, I am far more relaxed about money (lack of) and possessions.

I have learned that freedom is more important to me, and that means owning less. Get rid of the clutter, and you’re as free as a bird.

Every time I give another charity bag away, I feel lighter and relieved.

I prefer to upcycle, make my own, buy second-hand; no longer interested in that mass produced rubbish from China. Love vintage stuff found in charity shops and thrift stores.

If you feel poor or you think you miss out compared to others, look around you and see what you have that money can’t buy:

love, health, freedom, friendships, wisdom, time, intelligence, dreams and yes, happiness

Feeling happy is your choice despite your circumstances.

You own more treasures than you think you do; look around you and recognise them.

Here are some ways to help you feel rich without money, which I have practiced over the years:

Create abundance in your life by letting go of material desires you cannot afford.

Stop being a slave to materialism.

Live within your means.

Don't be fooled by advertising. You really don't need all that stuff.

Enjoy the simple pleasures.

Have a few good friends in real life and nurture those friendships. The hundreds or thousands of friends you have collected on Facebook are quite literally just virtual (except the handful of them you know in reality).

Be grateful for your health. In fact, be grateful for all the treasures you have that money can’t buy.

Let nature cheer you up - plants, forests, the sea, animals, the weather, the sky, the moon and the stars.

Look forward to every new day and the opportunities it may offer you.

Love yourself and your body.

Spread an abundant amount of love.

Be part of and contribute towards your local community. Hard times can be a great opportunity to get together with people for mutual support and strengthen community spirit.

There is no need for expensive Christmas gifts, not even for your children. They need to learn that life doesn't depend on obtaining the latest gadget or made-to-measure trainers. Help them to escape the consumerism trap, so they can live happier lives.

Enjoy what you have while you pursue what you want.

But having a mindset of abundance doesn't mean belittling poverty.

It doesn't mean you should be content with living below the poverty line and have no aspiration to better yourself.

Yes, I know from my own experience that it is truly tough to be poor, but counting your blessings with a positive mindset despite hardship will make it easier to find a way out of poverty than resignation, blaming others, envy and bitterness.

Warmest wishes,


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Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Zodiac Card Temperance - Sagittarius

zodiac card temperance sagittarius

Temperance is associated with the zodiac sign Sagittarius. If Sagittarius is either your sun or moon sign, then Temperance is one of your zodiac cards.

As a sun sign card, Temperance may reflect your conscious, expressive, outward, open personality; how you engage with people and the world around you.

As a moon sign card, Temperance reflects your unconscious, hidden, blocked personality traits, instincts and emotions; you feel them within.

Personality Traits associated with Temperance:

Positive: independent, charming, generous, self-expressive, adaptable, idealistic, spiritual, open-minded, sociable, good-natured, energetic

Negative: restless, argumentative, extremist, impatient, inconsistent, boastful, lack of concentration, over-confident, self-indulgent, tendency to gamble, preachy

Temperance/Sagittarius Life lessons:
  • finding life purpose as a guide, philosopher and law giver
  • working in harmony with the laws of life to find true freedom
  • learning to combine freedom with commitment
  • practising self-restraint and weighing up carefully which risks are worth taking
  • learning to balance the need to travel, pursuit for knowledge and new experiences with providing stability for loved ones
The following Sagittarius correspondences also relate to Temperance:

Element: Fire
Season/Timing: Late Autumn (November 24 - December 21)
Ruling Planets: Jupiter (also associated with the Wheel of Fortune)
Stone: Turquoise, Amethyst
Key Word: Freedom
Key Phrase: I See

Curious about combining Tarot with Astrology? Check out my Starlight Astrology Self-Study Course

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Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Meet Your Shadow

meet your shadow oracle of quotes

Welcome to the Samhain Blog Hop.

If you have just arrived from Carolyn's contribution, thank you for stopping by.

You can jump back onto the blog hop train and continue your journey by clicking on the link to Amethyst's blog at the end of this article.

Samhain is an ancient Celtic festival that was celebrated on the first day of November and marked the beginning of winter and also the Celtic New Year.

As you can imagine, in the olden days this would be a dark and cold time; no wonder our ancestors would be thinking about death, ghosts and sheer survival during the harsh winter months ahead.

Today, we celebrate Halloween on the eve of the 31 October, which nowadays marks the start of the party season up to Christmas.

But if you would like to commemorate Samhain in a more contemplative way, then this year you may want to explore your dark - shadow - side, and what better way to do it than with a Tarot deck?

What is your Shadow?

It's that aspect of your personality you prefer to keep hidden. Weaknesses you'd rather ignore, blocked personality traits you dislike or may be seen as inappropriate by society; desires, fears, secrets, latent talents, suppressed emotions, your dark side.

At Samhain, the evening of Halloween, prepare to meet your Shadow and face it. Uncover and explore your hidden and true self. Acknowledge it, embrace it, make friends with it, release it or turn it into something positive.

Identify your Shadow Zodiac Card

First, meet your Shadow by selecting the opposing zodiac of your sun sign:

Emperor (Aries) – Justice (Libra)
Hierophant (Taurus) – Death (Scorpio)
Lovers (Gemini) – Temperance (Sagittarius)
Chariot (Cancer) – Devil (Capricorn)
Strength (Leo) – Star (Aquarius)
Hermit (Virgo) - Moon (Pisces)

For example, if Scorpio is your sun sign, then Taurus is your opposing zodiac, and the Hierophant is your shadow card.

Before you move on to the next step, explore your shadow card in more detail:

What does it say about your hidden personality, your fears, weaknesses and so forth? Explore the challenging aspects of the card. Which ones resonate with you?

Your Shadow is uncharted territory. And just like real shadows, it fluctuates, changes shape, becomes larger or smaller. Different shadow aspects come through at different times and in different situations.

For your Samhain exploration, pull two more cards that will focus on a particular aspect in relation to your zodiac shadow card and a task that may help you overcome or at least integrate that aspect into your life more comfortably.

Here's the spread:

1. Your Shadow Zodiac Card (see above)
2. What particular aspect do you need to focus on at this moment in time?
3. What can you do to make a positive change?

I invite you to take a glimpse into my Shadow world:

As a Pisces, my shadow zodiac card is the Hermit, which is also my personality card. What do these cards reveal to you about me that I would rather keep hidden?

Have fun exploring your Shadow and dark side with this simple spread.

Thanks for being here. Please enjoy more Samhain / Halloween explorations by visiting Amethyst's blog, and before you go, please consider subscribing to my feed.

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness


Monday, 29 October 2012

Tarot Astrology: Sun in Scorpio, Full Moon in Taurus

Tarot of the Vampyres  © Llewellyn 2010
It's full moon in Taurus tonight, and I dare to admit that I've nearly missed it!

Trying to combine half-term holidays and Halloween preparations with a busy workload is my lame excuse, but here we are, at that dark time of the year, when Scorpio's intense emotions and transformational powers are kept in check by down-to-earth Taurus.

Since it is Halloween in two days time, I have chosen the zodiac card images for today's post from Ian Daniels' Tarot of the Vampyres; Death (Scorpio) and the Hierophant (Taurus).

2012, the year of the Hierophant, is soon coming to an end, and according to the Mayan calendar a new era is beginning on the 21 December. Scorpio is the sign of transformation, so it is an apt match with Death as its Tarot zodiac card.

Scorpio/Death as the current sun sign influence may encourage a strong urge within ourselves to follow our primal needs and emotions, which can indeed bring about long-lasting changes and an unsettling time ahead coming to terms with the new order we are creating.

Tonight, the energy of the Taurus full moon, the Hierophant, will help us determine, if we want to go all the way into an unknown, risky, adventurous direction or stay as we are, in a secure but unexciting comfort zone.

But the Taurus/Hierophant energy is not entirely a killjoy; it may prevent you from making choices that are completely mad, bonkers and regrettable in a few months time.

Whatever direction the Death/Hierophant energies are taking you over the forthcoming 24 - 36 hours, they will most likely be for the best.

Warmest wishes,


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Starlight Tarot Astrology Course
Learn more about Tarot and Astrology with my Starlight Tarot Astrology Course.

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Monday, 22 October 2012

A Message from Strength

Strength, Tarot of Quotes
Tarot of Quotes

“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. 

Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. 

Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength.”

August Wilson

I create harmony by gently balancing my opposing needs and desires.

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Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Zodiac Card Death - Scorpio

zodiac card death scorpio

Death is associated with the zodiac sign Scorpio. If Scorpio is either your sun or moon sign, then Death is one of your zodiac cards.

As a sun sign card, Death may reflect your conscious, expressive, outward, open personality; how you engage with people and the world around you.

As a moon sign card, Death reflects your unconscious, hidden, blocked personality traits, instincts and emotions; you feel them within.

Personality Traits associated with Death:

Positive: passionate, steadfast, intense, intuitive, perceptive, loyal, resourceful, dynamic, healing, ability to transform and regenerate

Negative: possessive, jealous, unrelenting, manipulative, secretive, suspicious, vengeful, controlling, judgemental, extreme

Death/Scorpio Life lessons:

  • learn to trust intuition and sensitivity in order to heal others
  • delving deep into the soul to discover and follow passions and motivations
  • overcoming the desire to be possessive of others
  • learning to be neutral rather than judgemental in order to be at peace
  • exploring and facing the deeper truths beyond appearances to allow for personal transformation
  • taming the desire for revenge and instead releasing negative energies held towards others, not transferring own emotions onto others
The following Scorpio correspondences also relate to Death:

Element: Water
Season/Timing: Autumn (October 24 - November 23)
Ruling Planets: Mars (also associated with the Emperor and Tower) and Pluto (also associated with Judgement)
Stone: Bloodstone, Topaz
Key Word: Sex
Key Phrase: I Desire

Connect with me on:

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Medium - Simplify your Life

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