Saturday, 20 October 2012

Zodiac Card Death - Scorpio

zodiac card death scorpio

Death is associated with the zodiac sign Scorpio. If Scorpio is either your sun or moon sign, then Death is one of your zodiac cards.

As a sun sign card, Death may reflect your conscious, expressive, outward, open personality; how you engage with people and the world around you.

As a moon sign card, Death reflects your unconscious, hidden, blocked personality traits, instincts and emotions; you feel them within.

Personality Traits associated with Death:

Positive: passionate, steadfast, intense, intuitive, perceptive, loyal, resourceful, dynamic, healing, ability to transform and regenerate

Negative: possessive, jealous, unrelenting, manipulative, secretive, suspicious, vengeful, controlling, judgemental, extreme

Death/Scorpio Life lessons:

  • learn to trust intuition and sensitivity in order to heal others
  • delving deep into the soul to discover and follow passions and motivations
  • overcoming the desire to be possessive of others
  • learning to be neutral rather than judgemental in order to be at peace
  • exploring and facing the deeper truths beyond appearances to allow for personal transformation
  • taming the desire for revenge and instead releasing negative energies held towards others, not transferring own emotions onto others
The following Scorpio correspondences also relate to Death:

Element: Water
Season/Timing: Autumn (October 24 - November 23)
Ruling Planets: Mars (also associated with the Emperor and Tower) and Pluto (also associated with Judgement)
Stone: Bloodstone, Topaz
Key Word: Sex
Key Phrase: I Desire

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