Friday, 30 March 2012

Love Message for the Weekend

Isn't that woolly couple adorable? I captured them a few years ago whilst on a walk in the Yorkshire Dales; a perfect picture of mutual affection and companionship. You are welcome to share this image (unaltered) on the web. Enjoy your weekend!


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Thursday, 29 March 2012

22 Life Lessons We Can Learn From The Tarot

Universal Tarot © 2003 Lo Scarabeo

Instead of using Tarot to predict the future, we can harness it as a transformational tool for ourselves or those we read for. 

Each magical image in a Tarot deck offers unique guidance and universal truths throughout life. 

I've compiled a list of life lessons related to the 22 cards of the Major Arcana. Feel free to explore and add your own.

0. The Fool
Live in the present. Don't dwell on the past..You do not know your future. Learn to enjoy the present moment and experience life in the 'here and now'.

1. The Magician
Stay focused on your goal and take action every day towards achieving it. Even with limited resources you can reach your full potential; believe in yourself.

2. High Priestess
Follow your intuition. You can listen to other people's advice, but also listen to your inner voice; do what you know deep down is right.

3. The Empress
Nurture yourself as much as you nurture others. When your own needs are met, you are more capable to take care of those who need you.

4. The Emperor
Give your dreams and ideas a chance to come to fruition. Focus on just one or two and persevere. Whatever the outcome, you will either be successful, or you will learn something.

5. The Hierophant
Learn from your mistakes and value the lessons they offer you; making mistakes is often better than doing nothing.

6. The Lovers
Spend time with the people you love and make you feel loved and appreciated in return; life is too short to tolerate anyone, who keeps making you feel miserable.

7. The Chariot
Sometimes it's good to break out of your comfort zone. Magic often happens on uncharted territory. Have the courage to push yourself to experience new challenges.

8. Strength
In your mind and spirit you are stronger than you think. Trust in your abilities to overcome any obstacles with willpower and determination. Stay positive.

9. The Hermit
Enjoy what you already have instead of wanting to accumulate more. There are simple pleasures to be had every day easily within your reach. Focus on inner rather than material growth.

10. Wheel of Fortune
You are not always in control of your destiny, but it it's up to you how you respond to the ups and downs you experience in your life, and how you perceive them. Every cloud has a silver lining.

11. Justice
Be honest with yourself and those close to you. Act with integrity and only say what you mean. Accept accountability for everything you do and say.

12. The Hanged Man
Rest assured that even a period of stagnation will come to an end. A new perspective, thinking outside the box, a different point of view will give you the momentum to take a step forward at the right time.

13. Death
Nothing ever stays the same. Things change. People change. You change. Endings can be painful, but they also lead to new beginnings. And that's a good thing. Be ready for your future.

14. Temperance
Eat less, chew more; talk less, listen more; hate less, love more; fear less, hope more; whine less, breathe more; blame less, praise more; work less, live more.

15. The Devil
Don't be a slave to the system; if you don't like the situation you're in, get out of it. Even after years of apathy, remember that you still have a choice and you can move on. Yes, you can.

16. The Tower
Pay attention to your stress levels and allow yourself time out. When you notice you are close to breaking point, slow down, take a break, breathe and relax, so you can move forward with clarity and purpose.

17. The Star
Genuinely care for people and show them kindness. Just like a guiding light, give hope and comfort when times are dark.It may also make you feel better, too.

18. The Moon
It’s no good hiding your emotions just because you want to keep the peace with others. Avoid resentment and bitterness by expressing your feelings without fear.

19. The Sun
Seek happiness for others, and you'll find it for yourself. By making others happy, you will be happy in return.

20. Judgement
No regrets. They don't work, because you cannot undo the actions you took in the past. What's done is done. Learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself.

21. The World
Be yourself. Live life true to yourself and not the life others expect from you. Embrace opportunities and challenges to develop new or latent talents.

Each card offers numerous life lessons we can embrace and learn from. What important lessons have you learned so far, and which tarot cards do they relate to?

Warmest wishes,

Christiane 🦄

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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Tarot Numerology: Five

The number Five in Tarot spells trouble, especially the ones in the Minor Arcana. The number Five is associated with the planet Mars, "God of War", and indicates a challenge of some sort. The Five of Wands depicts a confrontation, the Five of Cups emotional upheaval, the Five of Swords a hollow victory (or a defeat), and the Five of Pentacles financial hardship.

But what about Arcanum number 5, the Hierophant? This character seems benevolent on his throne, advising or preaching to his disciples, but the Hierophant is associated with ethics, morality, education, humanity and conscience, all of which can cause struggle, tension, upset and many heated discussions in addition to narrow-mindedness, intolerance, prejudice and radicalisation. If the Hierophant stands for religion, does the number Five indicate its inherent tendency to create havoc?

However, all is not lost. The number Five is asking for mediation, a middle way, re-instating the equilibrium, which is perfectly represented by Temperance, Arcanum number 14 (1 + 4 = 5). Temperance is a healing card, the angel a religious symbol, which suggests the need for compassion, mercy, forgiveness and moderation in times of strife.

Conflict and tension may also be apparent, when the following card combinations appear:

1. The Magician (1) + The Emperor (4) - two strong characters struggling to combine independence with responsibility

2. The High Priestess (2) + The Empress (3) - the need to combine opposites (night/day, unconscious/conscious, reflection/creativity) in order to create harmony

The Fives may indicate a tough situation, but at the same time they offer an eye-opening experience and eventually resolution and progress ahead.

For more information on the significance of numbers in tarot, check out my article Tarot & Numbers.

Interested in Tarot tuition? 1-2-1 in-depth mentoring; beginners, intermediate and advanced modules available. More information...

Warmest wishes,


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Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Tarot & Quotes: The High Priestess

Anna K Tarot © 2008 Anna Klaffinger
"By confronting us with irreducible mysteries that stretch our daily vision to include infinity, nature opens an inviting and guiding path toward a spiritual life." - Thomas More

The High Priestess symbolises intuition, the unconscious, hidden knowledge and spirituality. The image we see here is from the self-published Anna K.Tarot, its beautiful artwork dominated by blue and yellow colours reflecting darkness and light.

The following quote is from The Book of Qualities by Ruth Gendler, in which human qualities and emotions are brought to life as people in whimsical and to some extend spiritual prose. This is quite an enjoyable book; for a light-hearted yet insightful read about the human psyche highly recommended:

“I invited Intuition to stay in my house when my roommates went North. I warned her that I am territorial and I keep the herb jars in alphabetical order. Intuition confessed that she has a ‘spotty employment record.’ She was fired from her last job for daydreaming.

When Intuition moved in, she washed all the windows, cleaned out the fireplace, planted fruit trees, and lit purple candles. She doesn’t cook much. She eats beautiful foods, artichokes, avocadoes, persimmons and pomegranates, wild rice with wild mushrooms, chrysanthemum tea. She doesn’t have many possessions. Each thing is special. I wish you could see the way she arranged her treasures on the fireplace mantle. She has a splendid collection of cups, bowls, and baskets.

Well, the herbs are still in alphabetical order, and I can’t complain about how the house looks. Since Intuition moved in, my life has been turned inside out.” 

Can you see the High Priestess living her life like Intuition? What do you think?

Warmest wishes,


Transform your life this year: 

Tarot Readings - Insightful guidance when you need it
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Tarot eBooks - Great value, innovative Tarot study material

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Friday, 23 March 2012

Inspirational Message for the Weekend

This image was taken on a trip to the Bavarian Alps in 2006. Please feel free to share it with your friends. Have a great weekend!


Transform your life this year: 

Tarot Readings - Insightful guidance when you need it
Learn Tarot - A magickal, inspirational tool for life
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Thursday, 22 March 2012

Zodiac Card The Emperor - Aries

zodiac card the emperor aries

The Emperor
is associated with the zodiac sign Aries

If Aries is either your sun or your moon sign, then the Emperor is your zodiac card.

The sun sign reflects your conscious, expressive, outward, open personality; how you engage with people and the world around you. 

The moon sign reflects your unconscious, hidden, blocked personality traits, instincts and emotions; you feel them within.

Personality Traits associated with the Emperor: 

Positive: pioneering, confident, energetic, ambitious, dynamic, taking the lead, enthusiastic, generous, taking responsibility, competitive, inspiring, courageous

Negative: short-tempered, impetuous, controlling, impulsive, self-centred, restless, headstrong, impatient, dictatorial, intolerant, violent

Aries life lessons: 
  • inspire others with your ideas
  • learn to delegate without imposing or demanding
  • resolve conflict by developing empathy
  • learn to listen rather than speak
  • keep focusing on your goal, be patient and persevere
  • plan ahead; look before you leap

The following Aries correspondences also relate to the Emperor:

Element: Fire
Colour: Scarlet-Red
Season/Timing: Spring (March 21 - April 20)
Ruling Planet: Mars (also associated with the Tower)
Stone: Diamond, Ruby
Key Word: Action
Key Phrase: I Am

⭐Learn more about the Aries cards in the Tarot or check out my Starlight Tarot Astrology Course

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Friday, 16 March 2012

Tarot & Quotes: The Magician

Magician, Star Tarot
The Magician, Star Tarot 
© Cathy McClelland
“The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channelled toward some great good.” - Brian Tracy
The Magician is a powerful card symbolising potential, intent and manifestation. The image I have chosen to accompany today's inspirational quotes is from the wonderful Star Tarot created by artist Cathy McClelland

Her Major Arcana set can be purchased on her website, and I'm thrilled to have learned, that she has signed with Schiffer Publishing and is currently working on the Minor Arcana. I can't wait to get my hands on this deck!

“The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.” - Arthur C Clarke

 “Whatever your discipline, become a student of excellence in all things. Take every opportunity to observe people who manifest the qualities of mastery. These models of excellence will inspire you and guide you toward the fulfilment of your highest potential.” 
- Tony Buzan

What is your favourite quote that embraces the spirit of the Magician?

09-05-2012 Update: Cathy McClelland has informed me today, that the Star Tarot will most likely be published by Schiffer in 2014...a long time to wait, but I think it will be worth it!

Warmest wishes,


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Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness

Friday, 9 March 2012

Tarot & Quotes: The Fool

"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time."

- T. S. Eliot, The Four Quartets

You can find thousands of quotes from famous people on the internet. These quotes can be funny, inspiring, sad, thought-provoking or clever, but each of them also expresses the quintessential meaning of at least one card in the Tarot deck.

When I started writing my eBook Empowering Messages from the Tarot in 2009, I came across the following inspirational quote in a self-help book: "Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise"; immediately I thought that this sums up the Fool perfectly. In that moment, my idea of associating quotes from famous people to Tarot cards took shape, which I think is another powerful way to understand and remember individual card meanings.

It's also great fun to find suitable quotes in literature; Alice in Wonderland, Frodo Baggins and Anna Karenina are classic examples of the archetypal Fool setting out on an adventure. Along their way, dialogue and events can be associated with Tarot cards. Here are two more quotes I found in books that represent the Fool:

"You have brains in your head. 
You have feet in your shoes. 
You can steer yourself 
any direction you choose."
- Dr. Seuss

"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop." 
- The King in Alice in Wonderland

If you enjoy reading fiction, poetry or biographies, you can make your own Tarot card associations with the stories. When you come across some interesting dialogue or description of an event, think for a moment which Tarot card could fit, and how you would gain a deeper understanding of the card you have chosen. Why not give it a try today? And what would be your favourite quote for the Fool?

Warmest wishes,


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Thursday, 8 March 2012

Tarot Astrology: Sun in Pisces, Full Moon in Virgo

The Hermit, The Moon (King's Journey Tarot) © Chanel Bayless

The Tarot is a magical tool to explore the mysteries of life, and once you are more familiar with its astrological correspondences, you can gain deeper insights into the universal energies influencing you and your environment.

Today we have the full moon in Virgo; the Tarot card associated with Virgo is the Hermit. The current sun sign is Pisces, its corresponding Tarot card is the Moon. How do these two cards reflect the current energies surrounding us?

We see the Hermit sitting in his cosy cave surrounded by his tools: books, maps, crystals, pictures, glass vessels and navigational instruments. He represents the archetypal alchemist, who is dedicated to seek knowledge and explore the wisdom of the universe

The cave represents the earth, the fire in the background is the warmth and core of the earth; the Hermit is deeply connected to the earth. In his solitude he reflects and is dedicated to make sense of the universal mysteries surrounding him.

Key Meanings: withdrawal, guidance, introversion, physical healing, nurturing the soul, isolation, solitude, retreat, disconnection, need to feel safe and secure, spiritual advisor, reducing material possessions, living a simple life, humility, prudence

The Moon depicts a woman, who is drawn towards the large full moon rising above the sea between two pillars. The gravitational pull of the moon is strongest when it's full, so at this time of the moon cycle we have the best chance to manifest our harboured intentions, as indicated by  the pregnant woman in the image, who is about to give birth. 

The Moon and Pisces are associated with water, the element of feelings, emotions and love. The various cycles of the moon reflect the changing and unpredictable nature of our feelings and emotions, which cannot be controlled.

Key Meanings: imagination, feelings, insecurities, doubts, dreams, cycles, worries, love, mysteries, illusions, deception, moodiness, fluctuations, emotionally volatile, instinct

Virgo/Pisces balancing energies and qualities: earth/water, service/empathy, craft/inspiration, rationale/intuition; science/spirituality, nature/metaphysics; building solid foundations under our dreams and visions; healing by making sense of confusing situations; feeling love without attachment and dependency; grounded and secure amidst the ever changing rhythms of life; bringing order to chaos.

The Virgo/Pisces combination of earth and water is benevolent, making this a positive time to explore and develop what we feel passionate about:

  • projects and artistic endeavours require your attention to detail
  • grow and nurture relationships with unconditional love
  • gardening work/ sowing seeds/ planting bulbs/ re-potting plants
  • have a haircut or manicure; ok, you may be laughing now, but grooming at this time is apparently more effective and the result longer-lasting (looking after your body will also enhance your emotional well-being)
  • reflecting on issues whilst on a solitary walk through nature will help you gain more clarity
  • de cluttering and simplifying your life to reduce emotional baggage

What does the Virgo/Pisces combination hold for you? How do you make use of its energies at this time of the year? What activities do you get involved in to balance your physical and emotional needs?

Share your thoughts; I'd love to hear from you!

Warmest wishes,


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Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Awakening Your Psychic Muse

©  Chanel Bayless
The High Priestess in the King's Journey Tarot is one of the many non-traditional images in this deck. I like Tarot images that sway from the norm as they offer fresh ideas, new insight and a different perspective to a card you may otherwise felt stuck in a rut with.

In the traditional Tarot image, the High Priestess is usually portrayed sitting passively in front of a veil holding a book, but here she is more active, standing up, trance-like, summoning a ghostly figure rising from a cauldron behind her. At first sight she looks as if she is lifting a veil. With her open arms she is welcoming and receptive to messages from her subconscious, the otherworld or the universe.

It's a night scene illuminated by the full moon. In the background we see two gnomes tending a field, perhaps sowing seeds, suggesting the process of germination or conception.

There is a close connection between the High Priestess and the Moon card in the Tarot. Whereas the Moon symbolizes imagination, dreams, emotions and illusions, the High Priestess is using her intuition and introspection to make sense of the lunar influence and its messages lingering in and surfacing from our unconscious.

Key Meanings: revealing mysteries and what is hidden; lifting the 'fog' to see more clearly, knowing deep down the answer to your question, dream interpretation; be patient, all will be revealed at the right time; divination, psychic abilities, reflection, spiritual awareness and guidance, psychology, psycho-therapy, listening to your inner voice, trusting your intuition

Working with the High Priestess: 
The spirit of the High Priestess is within us all in the form of intuition, instinct, sixth sense and our higher wisdom. If you feel drawn to this card, or it comes up in a reading, you can start using and developing her powers; summon your own inner psychic muse by enjoying her favourite activities:
  • Start developing the power of your intuition to help you make the right choices. 
  • Create your own sacred space, where you can read, write, reflect and meditate. 
  • Observe the moon cycles and pay more attention to the messages you receive at the time of the full moon. 
  • Spend time in nature, especially in parks, forests and woods, where you can listen to the ancient wisdom of trees. When walking on the roots of the trees, you can connect with your own roots.
  • Still your mind with meditation exercises such as yoga and T'ai Chi. 
  • A congested body also creates a congested mind; reduce consumption of alcohol and junk food to avoid energy blocks.
  • Nurture your soul by enjoying simple pleasures such as smelling your favourite flowers, listening to relaxing music or taking a dance class. 
  • Pay attention to your feelings and emotions. Making a sensible decision may not be right, if you don't listen to your heart.
  • If you are approached for guidance and advice, ensure you see the big picture, so you can  provide wise counsel.
Affirmation: My mind is tuned in to my environment, and I am receptive to all possibilities.

"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself.”  
- Alan Alda

“Intuition comes very close to clairvoyance; it appears to be the extrasensory perception of reality” 
- Alexis Carrel

“Good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out.” 
- Michael Burke

What is the High Priestess inspiring you to do today? How can you best use your intuition at this time? What dreams have you had lately that make you explore their deeper meaning?

For more empowering messages from the High Priestess and all the other cards in the Tarot, please check out my eBook.

Warmest wishes,


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Friday, 2 March 2012

Entering the Spirit World

©  Chanel Bayless
What makes the King's Journey Tarot extra special is the additional suit of Spirit, which is modeled on the kabbalistic Tree of Life. The ten numbered Spirit cards represent the ten Sephiroth, where the Ace represents Kether, and Ten represents Malkuth.

The Spirit suit has been designed to represent our inner sanctum, where the four traditional suits and indeed life flow in perfect balance. It holds our core beliefs, which can change depending on our experiences over time, but their force always influences our essence, our daily lives.

The suit of Spirit in the King's Journey Tarot offers an additional subtle nuance to a reading. Spirit can emphasize a need to nurture spiritual balance and well-being. With the Spirit suit we can explore virtues and vices as well as spiritual gifts that are available to us.

The symbol of the Spirit suit are glowing sperm-like shapes; here in the Ten of Spirit they light the way towards the ghostly figure in the doorway. This card is associated with Malkuth, the material world.

Keywords for the Ten of Spirit: choosing the right path by rejecting anything that is damaging or suppressing; choices are made for spiritual not mundane gain; spiritually guided teachings, initiation and acceptance into a spiritual group or secret society; passing through a gate / ascending to the next spiritual level, no turning back; guardian angel

Virtue: Discrimination (in the sense of discernment)
Vice: Avarice (excessive greed)

When this card comes up in a reading, it may ask you to evaluate your lifestyle, especially in connection with material gain and attachment to possessions. Journey inward and explore your true purpose in life; focus on spiritual fulfilment.

Affirmation: I choose what is good for me to reach spiritual enlightenment. My wealth is spiritual fulfilment.

What is your attitude towards accumulating money and possessions? Is gaining material wealth your purpose in life? How do you nurture your spiritual needs? 

How do you feel about the addition of a Spirit suit in a Tarot deck? Do you feel it works well, or do you think Spirit is already integrated in a traditional four-suit deck?

Let me know; I'd love to hear from you!

Warmest wishes,


Transform your life this year: 

Tarot Readings - Insightful guidance when you need it 
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