Thursday 13 June 2013

Tarot Haiku: Five of Cups

Five of Cups, Tarot of Quotes
Tarot of Quotes

"Let's be friends", you said.
Part of me is still useful,
The rest discarded.

How to write your own Tarot Haiku:

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry consisting of exactly 17 syllables.
Syllables are arranged in three lines of 5-7-5

Pick a card. Describe what you see, express your emotions, capture a moment of beauty, a glimpse of nature and the seasons, or a poignant experience.

Explore your cards in a new way. Enjoy!

Warmest wishes,


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  1. Beautiful card, meaningful and very personal, relevant Haiku for recent processing this past few weeks.

    Thank You, Christiane. XOX

    1. Thank you, Angela. Yes, it is a challenging situation so many people can relate to. Sending you much strength and healing to get through it. x


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