Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Why "No one can make you happy except yourself" is a Lie

the sun tarot of quotes
Tarot of Quotes

In woo world everyone tells you that happiness comes from within.

To a certain extent that is true, but some spiritual gurus go further and proclaim "no one can make you happy except yourself"

That's a lie, regardless how much new age waffle they use to try to convince you.

Why else do we enter into relationships and friendships?

We have people in our lives that make us happy - lover/ partner, children, friends etc. 

They love, inspire and support us.

They lift us up, when we feel down.

With them we enjoy companionship, have a sense of belonging and experience exciting adventures on our life journey together.

Those special people can make us immensely fulfilled and give our life meaning. 

Why don't we admit that, rather than trying to enforce some pseudo-spiritual self-sufficiency that doesn't agree with human nature?

I admit that some people in my life make me happy. Without them, my life would be dull and empty, and not the biggest amount of self-love and I-don't-need-anyone-denial would make things better.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not endorsing vampiric co-dependency, and sometimes those, who make us happy set us challenges, too. 

But our healthy relationships make us happy...deeply. Our lives would be bleaker without them.

People can make you happy. Let them. And you make them happy in return with the love you give. What's wrong with that?

Warmest wishes,


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Friday, 10 January 2014

My Word for the Year

word for the year 2014
Coming up with a word for the year to inspire and encourage you over the coming months ahead is a magickal way to help you achieve goals or simply guide you to where you want to be.

I first came across this idea when I started using Leonie Dawson's Year Planner, and this year I'm choosing a word for the first time.

My word is inspired by this year's energy card, the Chariot, which is linked to the element water.

Although it's spiritually meaningful to me, it's also kind of humorous, too.


There is a nice ring to it. You'll know what I mean when you say it out loud. Linger on the 'n'...plunnnnnge :)

It sounds whole-hearted; better than "plop", which only covers the surface, or "splash", which is just noisy. PLUNGE goes deep and all the way.

This year, I will plunge into the unknown.

I will plunge into faith.

I will plunge into love.

I will plunge into the ocean of change, and let its currents and tides take me where I'm meant to be.

I will plunge into that ocean with my eyes closed trusting my inner knowing that all will be well.

PLUNGE expresses my need to initiate movement, to embrace the unknown, overcome fears, to dare and to accept impermanence.

And then of course PLUNGE makes me laugh. Where would I be without a word that puts a smile on my face?

Perhaps this year I will also plunge into a shopping centre (haven't done that for years), plunge into a nightclub, plunge into a new hobby, plunge into studies, plunge into parties, plunge into a skirt or a dress (haven't worn those for years either).

I'll be taking the plunge for sure. I wonder how often I will use that word this year?

It's certainly a versatile word as Miranda demonstrates:

There you have it. It's PLUNGE for me all the way until 31 December 2014.

What's your word for the year?

Warmest wishes,


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Thursday, 2 January 2014

Heartbreak And A New Dawn

three of swords tarot of quotes
Three of Swords Haiku:
A heart of stone and
a heart of glass colliding,
sparkling chards scattered.
“I took a chance, I took a shot
And you may think I’m bullet-proof, 

but I’m not. 
You took a swing, I took it hard. 
And down here from the ground 
I see who you are.”
Taylor Swift

Heartbreak is one of the worst emotions anyone can go through. Its intensity can range from mild disappointment to almost unbearable grief.

I recently read somewhere that you grieve as much as you love, and when you find yourself in the position of having to recover from the loss of deep love, grief can be all consuming for a long time.

But let's face it: there are things in life that will break you. There is no protection from that.

Even self-imposed solitude to avoid getting hurt again will break you with its yearning.

The trick is to pick yourself up and live an awesomely beautiful life despite what fate throws at you.

And the truth is, you have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on this planet. 

You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be vulnerable. You are here to be open and surrender to love. You are here to be swallowed up. 

"And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.” 
Louise Erdrich, from The Painted Drum LP

ten of swords tarot of quotes
Tarot of Quotes
At first it can be a challenge to try see past the initial pain to the possibility of finding a better and stronger love in your future.

But life quite simply goes on. You learn that detaching yourself from what once was is the best therapy to heal your heart.

"If you decide to leave me at the shore of the heart where I have roots
That on that day, at that hour, I shall lift my arms
And my roots will set off to seek another land.”

Pablo Neruda

Keep your heart open to love. Be love. Let it flow. Spread your wings and embrace the world. 

Deep down you know that after darkness, there is always a new dawn rising.

Warmest wishes,


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