Saturday, 8 July 2017

Living the Two of Pentacles

living the two of pentacles
Rider Waite Smith Tarot © US Games

Welcome to the International Tarot Day Blog Hop!

Following on from the Ace of Pentacles, here is my contribution to celebrating the magic of Tarot on this special day:

Learning the Tarot means having to become a little obsessed with it, but in a good way!

Simply memorising card meanings doesn't cut it. You need to connect with the cards on a deeper level, which is easier than it sounds.

One method is to immerse yourself into a card by living it.

Let's do this with the Two of Pentacles.

First, look at the image: that guy looks like he's having fun despite the choppy waters in the background, and he could drop those coins any minute.

And those ships on the horizon are just screaming sea-sickness at me.

But never mind!

He is still juggling and performing this balancing act while doing a little happy dance and wearing a silly hat.

Next, it is time for you to take some action according to the Two of Pentacles.

Be the Two of Pentacles for a day!

Here's what you can do:

1. Strike the pose
Position your body just like the figure in the image (e.g. lifting left leg etc.). Hold a coin in each hand. You can even try turning a rope into the number 8 and wrap it around the coins. See if it works, and how it feels like. If you have a silly hat, wear it.

2. Juggle with some balls (or apples)
Can you do it? Maybe you want to learn it.

3. Dance
Spontaneous dancing in the kitchen while doing the cooking.

4. Ride a bike
The miracle of balancing two wheels in order to move forward.

5. Multi-task
Many people swear by it, but can you complete all activities you do at the same time to your satisfaction? Are you feeling a little bit stressed out after that?

6. Play
Play with your children outside, play a board or computer game, play up, play a different role. Swap and change.

7. Skip along while walking
Skipping is such fun. You probably haven't done it in a long while. See how it cheers you up.

8. Surround yourself with various shades of purple
Astrologically, the Two of Pentacles is linked to Jupiter (royal violet) in Capricorn (indigo). Forget fifty shades of grey; you want 50 shades of purple - clothes, flowers, eat purple fruit and veg like blueberries and aubergines, etc.

9. Crystals to work / meditate with: Amethyst and Obsidian
Go on, take one of each and juggle ;)

10. Gamble
I am not encouraging you to be reckless with your life savings, just buy a lottery ticket and remember me, if you win.

So here we are, living the Tarot in a crazy sexy kind of way. Have fun trying it for yourself.

Before you move on to the next blog, check out my fab freebies to inspire you on your tarot journey.

Thank you for reading! Please see Liza's blog at for the next amazing blog in the hop.

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness

Thursday, 25 May 2017

The Power of Positive Communication

power of positive communication
Cosmic Faery Tarot Deck

Recently I have noticed, how quickly people fall into the trap of negative communication. It all starts with a little whine, but then it doesn't stop. This can happen among family and friends but also on social media.

Constant complaining, whinging, gossiping, expressing anger, frustration, bitterness, resentment, outpouring of problems and dramas.... The Queen of Swords on a bad day that never ends!

Are you one of these people?

I was once in a relationship, in which I became the go-to counsellor and found myself in a position of having to listen virtually non-stop to all the problems he kept having.

That relationship became so draining that I was totally relieved when it ended.

Don't fall into the trap of perpetual negativity when interacting with others.

On an unconscious level, it also drags you down emotionally while you keep talking yourself into a perpetual state of dissatisfaction.

And the longer you keep being stuck in this negative pattern, it becomes a habit that will be hard to shift.

At this stage, your vibrational energy may be so low that people begin to avoid hanging out with you.

A quick and easy way to improve your happiness is to communicate more positively thus raising your vibrations for the benefit of all.

You may have forgotten how to do this, so here are some ideas:

1. What has inspired you recently?
Talk about what has made you feel good, such as a great book, TV show, experience, a person, a trip.... anything that has made you forget about all your woes and crappiness in the world.

2. What are you grateful for today?
Yes, the usual gratitude exercise. It does work.

3. When thinking or talking about a person you dislike (e.g. a co-worker), what are their positive traits?
If you can't say anything positive, then try not say anything at all.

4. What happened recently that was funny?
Even better, if it involves you. Share a joke. Don't take yourself too seriously. Laughter is often the best medicine.

5. How can you help and encourage others to overcome their issues?
Take time to listen and show a genuine interest to be present for others when they need your support.

Shifting towards positive communication doesn't mean you have to ignore all the things that concern you, but don't let them consume you either.

Share your positive thoughts and stories today. Leave a positive comment below😍

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness

Friday, 13 January 2017

Setting Goals For The Year Ahead When You Don't Have Any

setting goals for the year ahead when you don't have any
Are you on the road to somewhere?

In recent months, there's been an overwhelming influx of new year diaries and planners online, available in all shapes, sizes, and themes. 

It seems that setting goals is essential for achieving success, and these planners are designed to help you document everything and track your progress daily, weekly, or monthly.

Even I have created the Tarot Moon Journal workbook for all Tarot enthusiasts out there, who not only want to be more mindful about their aspirations, but also want to learn some new tarot skills along the way.

But perhaps you are thinking that this is not for you. You don't have any specific goals except survive and have some good times along the way.

For many people, 2016 turned out to be difficult and even traumatic at times, and if you are one of them, then perhaps all you want to do is recover and heal and simply make the most of the cards you are going to be dealt with this year.

One of them is our global year card, the Wheel of Fortune. Brace yourself... swoosh! 😄

And then you see all these fancy, optimistic la-la people on the internet raving about how certain planners helped them build a successful business or find their soulmate.

And you just recoil feeling a little bit shitty, because your situation is a little less happy-go-lucky-la-la, to say the least.

But guess what? It's perfectly okay not to have any goals.

Yes, don't worry about it. Just let all that hype go.

word of the year journaling
Word of the Year creative journaling sheet
from Cosmic Faery's Journal workbook

Instead, you can do a bit of soul work with your tarot cards to gain some perspective and direction.

Perspective is always good, especially when you feel you're drifting and you don't quite know what you want or where you're heading.

Start off by calculating your year card (mine is Strength this year)

Then, work out your word for the year based on your year card (my word for the year 2017 is CREATE).

Your personal power word will offer you a sense of purpose, direction and guidance over the next twelve months ahead.

Tarot journaling for healing and
personal growth

Now you should have some idea of what you might want to focus on over the coming months, and you can continue to draw tarot cards for more specific ideas.

On the left you can see a page from my Tarot Moon Journal, on which I have simply recorded the cards I drew for specific areas in my life.

These cards can give you a hint on what you may wish to aim for, but if not, then just leave them there and revisit the page from time to time to see, how the messages of the cards begin to unfold.

You don't need to have any flashy goals to have a great year ahead.

If you have experienced loss, heartache, health issues or any other challenging situation, every little step towards recovery and healing will be a huge achievement.

Drawing a card and asking What can I do today to help me heal? can be an empowering way to make a positive difference without getting overwhelmed by elaborate or even out-of-reach goals.

Once you have made a start with your year card and personal power word for 2017, you may feel a little more in control of the direction you wish to take.

And having at least some control over your life is a good feeling. You can build on that with regular journaling as a personal development and healing tool.

If you would like to learn more about creative tarot journaling for healing and personal growth, then please do join me on Ko-fi.

Wishing you all the Best for the New Year,

Christiane 🦄

Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness