Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Moving on to Pastures new...

Time flies by, and since my last post on this blog so much has happened....

And because so much has happened, there has been an awful lot of growth.

If you haven't been to my main website for a while, there is plenty of new tarot and astrology content for you to discover.

Check out 

and so much more ⭐

And did you know that I completely revamped the Tarot Moon Journal
It's now a perpetual "ETERNAL" journal, which means you can start using it at any time during the year, and it is reusable every year.

Learn more and grab your copy here:

I hope you love what you see on my new spaces and can't wait to see you there 😍

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Celebrating International Tarot Day: The Nine of Swords

(c) Aquatic Tarot

A year has passed, and we are celebrating International Tarot Day again on the 8th July.

On this day, tarot enthusiasts all over the world are celebrating the magic of tarot, and this is my contribution to Oephebia’s Tarot Challenge.

Cards for each participant were chosen at random, and the Nine of Swords was drawn for me. How lucky am I 😊

The Nine of Swords is all about worries, anxieties and fears.

In the image of the Rider Waite Smith (RWS) Tarot we see a woman, who seems to have just woken up from a nightmare.

The background is pitch black, no glimmer of light, as if all hope and optimism has been lost. It looks like a dark night of the soul.

Imagine lying in bed at night and you can’t sleep. What do you do? Thinking… over-thinking… small issues and negative-self-talk can easily become large shadows in the dark leading to self-inflicted suffering.

Irrational fears begin to cloud sound judgement. It’s time to switch on the light and make yourself a cup of cocoa. Or pick up an inspirational and uplifting book or magazine to calm down your racing mind.

The suit of Swords relates to the element air, which is associated with the mind, logic, reason, intellect but also life’s challenges.

The pattern on the blanket is a combination of a red rose and the symbols of the zodiac air signs, which suggests that anxiety is created in the mind based on emotional attachments.

Numerically, the number nine marks the completion of a cycle, fulfilment, conclusion, integration and attainment.

It indicates a turning point after having reached a peak, which is beautifully illustrated in the RWS Major Arcana key 9, The Hermit, who is standing on top of a mountain searching for a new direction.

Nine is also linked to Major Arcana key 18 (1 + 8), The Moon, which can indicate confusion and insecurities often on an emotional level.

There is a sense of aloneness in all the Tarot Nines, suggesting a need to be self-reliant and take sole responsibility for our situation.

Astrologically, the Nine of Swords is linked to Mars in Gemini. In Tarot terms this means an energetic influence of The Tower and the Knight of Swords, quite a stormy and destructive force.

This astrological association offers us more insight into the meaning of this card – the destructive force of the mind, cruel words, harsh criticism, restlessness, impatience, being on the verge of pressing the self-destruct button.

But not all is lost as there is another force influencing the Nine of Swords – The Lovers, also linked to Gemini and a more benevolent energy amidst all the mayhem.

Something good is hiding in the Nine of Swords
(Image: Cosmic Faery Tarot)
Love, as always, is the answer, especially self-love in this case. Be kind to yourself. Put your hand on your heart to soothe and talk lovingly to yourself. Be patient. Detach from drama.

Realise that you are creating your own suffering and can choose to think differently, in a more life-affirming way.

Crystals that can be used with the Nine of Swords are those that alleviate the destructive energies of this card. Here are a few suggestions:
  • Sunstone, which can be placed on your sacral chakra for 30 minutes while you focus on relaxing and becoming present 
  • Rose quartz, a stone that helps to nurture self-love, and Agate, which is associated with the Lovers, for clarity of mind and practicing healthy discernment 
  • Garnet, linked to the Tower, can help release outdated ideas and beliefs 
  • Peridot, linked to the Hermit, has a healing influence on the mind to find inner peace 
  • Sapphire, linked to the Knight of Swords, can help cut down on confusion and confront issues head-on to dissolve anguish 
Herbs that help to diffuse mental chatter and clutter are chamomile and valerian. Ginseng helps to resist stress and improves cognitive ability. It is also being used to reduce anxiety.

The Nine of Swords is one of the bleakest images in the Tarot, but like all the other cards, it also offers a positive message: acknowledge and face your fears; they can be blessings.

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness


Saturday, 8 July 2017

Living the Two of Pentacles

living the two of pentacles
Rider Waite Smith Tarot © US Games

Welcome to the International Tarot Day Blog Hop!

Following on from the Ace of Pentacles, here is my contribution to celebrating the magic of Tarot on this special day:

Learning the Tarot means having to become a little obsessed with it, but in a good way!

Simply memorising card meanings doesn't cut it. You need to connect with the cards on a deeper level, which is easier than it sounds.

One method is to immerse yourself into a card by living it.

Let's do this with the Two of Pentacles.

First, look at the image: that guy looks like he's having fun despite the choppy waters in the background, and he could drop those coins any minute.

And those ships on the horizon are just screaming sea-sickness at me.

But never mind!

He is still juggling and performing this balancing act while doing a little happy dance and wearing a silly hat.

Next, it is time for you to take some action according to the Two of Pentacles.

Be the Two of Pentacles for a day!

Here's what you can do:

1. Strike the pose
Position your body just like the figure in the image (e.g. lifting left leg etc.). Hold a coin in each hand. You can even try turning a rope into the number 8 and wrap it around the coins. See if it works, and how it feels like. If you have a silly hat, wear it.

2. Juggle with some balls (or apples)
Can you do it? Maybe you want to learn it.

3. Dance
Spontaneous dancing in the kitchen while doing the cooking.

4. Ride a bike
The miracle of balancing two wheels in order to move forward.

5. Multi-task
Many people swear by it, but can you complete all activities you do at the same time to your satisfaction? Are you feeling a little bit stressed out after that?

6. Play
Play with your children outside, play a board or computer game, play up, play a different role. Swap and change.

7. Skip along while walking
Skipping is such fun. You probably haven't done it in a long while. See how it cheers you up.

8. Surround yourself with various shades of purple
Astrologically, the Two of Pentacles is linked to Jupiter (royal violet) in Capricorn (indigo). Forget fifty shades of grey; you want 50 shades of purple - clothes, flowers, eat purple fruit and veg like blueberries and aubergines, etc.

9. Crystals to work / meditate with: Amethyst and Obsidian
Go on, take one of each and juggle ;)

10. Gamble
I am not encouraging you to be reckless with your life savings, just buy a lottery ticket and remember me, if you win.

So here we are, living the Tarot in a crazy sexy kind of way. Have fun trying it for yourself.

Before you move on to the next blog, check out my fab freebies to inspire you on your tarot journey.

Thank you for reading! Please see Liza's blog at tarotliza.com for the next amazing blog in the hop.

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness

Thursday, 25 May 2017

The Power of Positive Communication

power of positive communication
Cosmic Faery Tarot Deck

Recently I have noticed, how quickly people fall into the trap of negative communication. It all starts with a little whine, but then it doesn't stop. This can happen among family and friends but also on social media.

Constant complaining, whinging, gossiping, expressing anger, frustration, bitterness, resentment, outpouring of problems and dramas.... The Queen of Swords on a bad day that never ends!

Are you one of these people?

I was once in a relationship, in which I became the go-to counsellor and found myself in a position of having to listen virtually non-stop to all the problems he kept having.

That relationship became so draining that I was totally relieved when it ended.

Don't fall into the trap of perpetual negativity when interacting with others.

On an unconscious level, it also drags you down emotionally while you keep talking yourself into a perpetual state of dissatisfaction.

And the longer you keep being stuck in this negative pattern, it becomes a habit that will be hard to shift.

At this stage, your vibrational energy may be so low that people begin to avoid hanging out with you.

A quick and easy way to improve your happiness is to communicate more positively thus raising your vibrations for the benefit of all.

You may have forgotten how to do this, so here are some ideas:

1. What has inspired you recently?
Talk about what has made you feel good, such as a great book, TV show, experience, a person, a trip.... anything that has made you forget about all your woes and crappiness in the world.

2. What are you grateful for today?
Yes, the usual gratitude exercise. It does work.

3. When thinking or talking about a person you dislike (e.g. a co-worker), what are their positive traits?
If you can't say anything positive, then try not say anything at all.

4. What happened recently that was funny?
Even better, if it involves you. Share a joke. Don't take yourself too seriously. Laughter is often the best medicine.

5. How can you help and encourage others to overcome their issues?
Take time to listen and show a genuine interest to be present for others when they need your support.

Shifting towards positive communication doesn't mean you have to ignore all the things that concern you, but don't let them consume you either.

Share your positive thoughts and stories today. Leave a positive comment below😍

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness

Friday, 13 January 2017

Setting Goals For The Year Ahead When You Don't Have Any

setting goals for the year ahead when you don't have any
Are you on the road to somewhere?

In recent months, there's been an overwhelming influx of new year diaries and planners online, available in all shapes, sizes, and themes. 

It seems that setting goals is essential for achieving success, and these planners are designed to help you document everything and track your progress daily, weekly, or monthly.

Even I have created the Tarot Moon Journal workbook for all Tarot enthusiasts out there, who not only want to be more mindful about their aspirations, but also want to learn some new tarot skills along the way.

But perhaps you are thinking that this is not for you. You don't have any specific goals except survive and have some good times along the way.

For many people, 2016 turned out to be difficult and even traumatic at times, and if you are one of them, then perhaps all you want to do is recover and heal and simply make the most of the cards you are going to be dealt with this year.

One of them is our global year card, the Wheel of Fortune. Brace yourself... swoosh! 😄

And then you see all these fancy, optimistic la-la people on the internet raving about how certain planners helped them build a successful business or find their soulmate.

And you just recoil feeling a little bit shitty, because your situation is a little less happy-go-lucky-la-la, to say the least.

But guess what? It's perfectly okay not to have any goals.

Yes, don't worry about it. Just let all that hype go.

word of the year journaling
Word of the Year creative journaling sheet
from Cosmic Faery's Journal workbook

Instead, you can do a bit of soul work with your tarot cards to gain some perspective and direction.

Perspective is always good, especially when you feel you're drifting and you don't quite know what you want or where you're heading.

Start off by calculating your year card (mine is Strength this year)

Then, work out your word for the year based on your year card (my word for the year 2017 is CREATE).

Your personal power word will offer you a sense of purpose, direction and guidance over the next twelve months ahead.

Tarot journaling for healing and
personal growth

Now you should have some idea of what you might want to focus on over the coming months, and you can continue to draw tarot cards for more specific ideas.

On the left you can see a page from my Tarot Moon Journal, on which I have simply recorded the cards I drew for specific areas in my life.

These cards can give you a hint on what you may wish to aim for, but if not, then just leave them there and revisit the page from time to time to see, how the messages of the cards begin to unfold.

You don't need to have any flashy goals to have a great year ahead.

If you have experienced loss, heartache, health issues or any other challenging situation, every little step towards recovery and healing will be a huge achievement.

Drawing a card and asking What can I do today to help me heal? can be an empowering way to make a positive difference without getting overwhelmed by elaborate or even out-of-reach goals.

Once you have made a start with your year card and personal power word for 2017, you may feel a little more in control of the direction you wish to take.

And having at least some control over your life is a good feeling. You can build on that with regular journaling as a personal development and healing tool.

If you would like to learn more about creative tarot journaling for healing and personal growth, then please do join me on Ko-fi.

Wishing you all the Best for the New Year,

Christiane 🦄

Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness


Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Trump and The Wheel of Fortune

trump and the wheel of fortune
Tarot of Quotes

Life is like Star Wars: First there is A New Hope (back in 2008), then last week The Empire Strikes Back, but hopefully in four years time we can welcome The Return of the Jedi.

Sometimes the dark side wins. We have to face that. Life never runs smoothly.

If you are upset about the result of the US presidential election, then I don't want to make it look better than it is by saying It's going to be okay, because it probably won't.

The global year card for 2017 is the Wheel of Fortune, which coincides with Trump's inauguration. Our luck will change, for better or for worse, and it's likely to be a rough ride ahead.

If you feel disillusioned, give yourself time to let it pass, and then get to work to ensure that the Jedi will return. Because that's the way the Wheel of Fortune works.

We get thrown into the deep end, but it's up to us how we get out of it. The way to do it is not to resign to fate but take positive action.

Here are some ideas:

1. Reassure those people around you, who are afraid of how they might be affected by the new leadership. Let them know you stand by them and will speak up for them.

Give them a hug. Make sure they feel supported. Keep in mind you are powerful, because you are part of the majority, who voted for the other side. You are not alone.

2. Don't let anyone tell you to "get over it" and stop expressing your thoughts. You have the right to voice your opinion whenever you like as we live in a free democracy. The opposition won't shut up about it, and neither should you.

3. Take regular breaks from news and social media. You don't need to read or listen to all that shit hitting the fan right now. Most of it is speculation anyway, so it's a waste of time worrying about it now.

4. Whatever you do, don't lose hope. Remember, the Wheel of Fortune keeps turning. Nothing ever stays the same, and you can be part of influencing the change process. Your input can make a difference even on a small scale.

When the result was announced in Europe on the 9th November, it was a poignant moment, because on the same day 27 years ago, the Berlin Wall came down.

Equally poignant, the same day was also the 78th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the night in Germany when Jewish shops and synagogues were burnt and Jewish citizens murdered.

The Wheel of Fortune keeps turning. Today you may feel like you stand in its shadow, but by not giving up you will rise up into the sun once again.

It will take time and effort, but hey, let's do it.

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness


Friday, 14 October 2016

How To Embrace The Aries Full Moon Energies

the emperor tarot of quotes

When the moon is full, its power and energy is at its peak. On the 16th October, there will be an Aries full moon, and Aries is linked to the Emperor in the Tarot.

So what does this card teach you about the Aries energies we are going to experience around this month's full moon?

Here are some ideas how you can embrace the Aries full moon energies:

1. Begin again

Aries is the first sign in the horoscope and the messenger for spring (in the Northern Hemisphere).

Springtime means starting afresh and new growth after having released the old in previous months.

So, the Aries full moon may ask you to move onwards and upwards in your life, finally letting go of negative habits, toxic people etc.

Once you turn your back on what's draining you, you will notice how your energy levels, vitality and inner strength will increase.

2. Be a leader

The Emperor is obviously a leader, and perhaps now is the perfect time for you to take up his role and lead, not only others but your own life, too.

Don't follow others, but create your own rules, boundaries and visions you desire and feel inspired by.

It's a great time to be assertive and get areas of your life back in order you may have neglected or even let go out of control.

3. Take action

Aries and the Emperor are pioneers and adventurers. They love conquering, too, especially things that seem difficult and perhaps overwhelming.

They don't get intimidated, so whatever task or situation you need to resolve and have procrastinated about so far, now is the time to grab the ram by its horns and see it through.

Tarot of Quotes

4. Get sporty and creative

Aries is also linked to the Queen of Wands in the Tarot. She reminds you to get more in touch with your creative side, follow your passions and keep active.

If you do any sports at the time around the Aries full moon, you may have more energy and achieve better results.

Beware of too much coffee, alcohol or other stimulants at this time, as their effects can be intensified in a kind of hyperactive way 😉

5. Keep your Ego in check

Well, the Emperor can overstep his mark with arrogance, self-centredness, jealousy and over-control at times. Watch out for these negative traits to creep up on you without otherwise noticing.

Be more mindful about how you react to and deal with people. Make sure you are grounded and stay calm at times when you feel anything but.

Would you like to learn more about how to apply astrology and the moon phases to your tarot work? Check out my Tarot Astrology Self-Study course and my Tarot Moon Journal.

Warmest wishes,


Saturday, 16 July 2016

After The Breakup - Is My Ex Happy?

six of swords tarot of quotes
Letting go and moving on
is all in the mind.

If I said no, would that make you happy?

If I said yes, would that hurt you?

This is one of the few questions I refuse to answer as a professional Tarot reader, because I don't feel that answering it would be of any value to you.

Firstly, you are asking about someone else, rather than paying more attention to yourself and your well-being.

Secondly, the answer is limited to yes or no

Thirdly, I can feel your pain of your separation from your ex, and by supporting your obsession with him or her by answering this question, I won't help you heal and move on.

I don't want to earn money this way. Instead, I am giving you my answer here, free of charge.

When someone asks me this question, it is unlikely they ask about their ex from the goodness of their heart.

When a relationship breakup still feels raw and painful, all you wish for is for the other to feel the same.

In fact, if you got dumped, or you finally freed yourself from a narcissist, all you can think of is cursing that individual and send all the ill will you can muster up their way.

But there is a more powerful and healing alternative: 

Learn to not give a shit about that person.

Don't care.

Learn to be indifferent.

Ignore them. No contact. Focus entirely on yourself and your recovery and healing.

This is a process, and you need to focus all your determination on this. 

While you are working on your personal growth, enjoying life and prepare yourself for new opportunities, consider my two answers to your question.

Is my ex happy?

1. Yes

He or she may have left you for someone else, so s/he will be elated. They will probably have great sex, and they may even get married and have kids. Happy-ever-after. 

Accept it. Get over it.

Would this answer make you feel any better? Probably not, so why keep torturing yourself?

It is now down to you to follow your own dreams and aspirations, to make the most of your life without forever pining for what you have lost. 

Your future is ahead, and you can choose, if your journey is miserable or fun.

2. No

They are as miserable and depressed as you are. They have had nothing but bad luck since your relationship ended. They now have doubts and wish they could get back together with you. 

Would this kind of answer encourage you to get in touch with them again? 

The last thing you want is a boomerang relationship that will prolong the agony over months, perhaps even years ahead.

Here's what you can do instead:

  • When it's over, accept it's over.
  • Rather than following your emotions, explore why your relationship didn't work out. There are some good reasons for it. Don't ignore them, and learn your lessons, so you won't make the same mistake again.
  • Engage into some serious self-care. Book yourself on a course, do yoga classes, re-connect with friends, rebuild your life.
  • Keep focusing your thoughts on yourself, and be committed to your well-being. Avoid any kind of drama, e.g. confrontations, stalking, trying to get answers, closure, etc. Just let go.
  • Embrace change. Check out my manifest change healing cards that can help you create the change you want and need.
  • Get creative - read, write, paint, craft. Get together with like-minded souls to learn and experience new skills.
  • Always remember the bad times you had with your ex, which were a reason you split up. 
  • Don't initiate any contact with your ex, and try not to fall for their soppy messages of remorse. Your mind is telling you that it's all a load of b**locks. Heed its advice and stay strong.

Most of all, don't obsess over your ex. Don't torture yourself with painful questions about their whereabouts or happiness. It's no longer your concern. 

You are the most important person in your life right now, together with family and friends, who are close and support you.

Trust that you will feel better soon, and you can heal and rebuild your life. 

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness

Monday, 30 May 2016

When Your Relationship Needs A Boost

page of cups tarot of quotes
Tarot of Quotes

"A relationship is a three-part journey: First there's infatuation. Then there's conflict – the part where most people jump ship. The third part is becoming an active participant in your partner's feelings, and that's the method to the madness."
- Alanis Morissette

This is one of my favourite quotes about how relationships work, and it is true that many people go their separate ways during the conflict phase.

Conflict doesn't necessarily mean heated arguments and slamming doors. Quite the opposite.

It is usually smouldering resentment towards the other's annoying habits and personality traits that drives couples apart.

Things are no longer the same as they were during the honeymoon period.

Complacency sets in. Masks begin to crumble.

Less quality time spent together due to work and other commitments. Your partner's irritability and lack of cooking skills annoys you. Less romance, less fun...perhaps no romance or fun at all...

Now is a good time to take stock and make amends.

The honeymoon period always ends, but there is much that can be done to keep the spark alive and move onwards to stage three. 

Although you are aware of the obvious reasons why you are not as happy together as you used to be, you can explore what is going on in your relationship on a deeper, unconscious level. 

Here is a five-card spread you can try:

1. What is the underlying current energy of the relationship?
2. What needs to be addressed?
3. What is going well?
4. What is being neglected?
5. What will improve the relationship?

I have used the Cosmic Journaling Oracle for the sample reading:

when your relationship needs a boost
Cosmic Journaling Oracle

1. Journey

There is a sense of longevity and unfulfilled potential. Look back and see how far you have come. 

Have you been on an eventful journey together? Did you have to deal with external challenges that put you both under stress?

You may now realise that you have encountered some bumps and steep hills along the road, and now it is time to focus more on enjoyable and exciting adventures that are still to come. 

Make some plans and make it happen.

2. Intention

This card suggests making plans, having a goal or simply paying more attention to each other's needs. 

Intention also means focus, making a conscious choice and seeing it through. 
However, it can also mean that intentions haven't been kept.

Perhaps a holiday was cancelled or you didn't go for that romantic meal after all. Even worse, your other half has started smoking again... 

Look at what you intended to do and why it didn't happen. Is there a pattern that needs to be broken? Talk about it.

3. Sensitivity

Sensitivity as a strength in a relationship offers the gift of empathy and mutual understanding. 

There is a keen awareness of how the other is feeling, but it is also important to open up and express your own feelings.

Sensitivity in this position may also suggest that your senses are not letting you down. 

Trust them, especially when you 'sense' that something isn't quite right and needs to be addressed.

Sensitivity may also remind you to choose your words and actions wisely and carefully in order to avoid unnecessary drama including hurt, anger and defensiveness.

4. Renewal

When renewal is being neglected, it suggests resistance to making changes, perhaps even denying responsibility. 

There are obstacles preventing you from moving forward, which may include challenging behavioural traits or external challenges like work or family commitments.

How can you encourage renewal in your relationship, so it can evolve? An additional question to ask the oracle!

5. Trust

If trust is an issue in your relationship, you will need to address it in order to make positive changes. 

You need to explore if your trust issues are justified or based on past experience or irrational worries.

This can also be an issue for your partner, who may not yet feel secure in your relationship.

The best way to build trust is by being totally reliable, open and honest. When you begin to realise that you can count on the other no matter what, this will be a huge step for you in the right direction.

Think about how you can improve mutual trust in your relationship. If you need some inspiration, pull another card.

I hope you will find this spread helpful, either for yourself or a person you are reading for. 

Please do let me know, how it's worked for you💚

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness

Monday, 4 April 2016

Making Tarot Journaling More Fun

tarot journal page
From: Cosmic Faery's Journal Workbook

Who says keeping a diary or recording your tarot / oracle readings should be done on boring white paper?

There are more creative ways you can make your journal look exciting and inviting.

In order to make it easy for you taking the first step, I have created a wide range of journaling sheets for you to download for free and also to buy

As you can see from the pics in this post, adding some colour and redesigning the writing space already makes a difference to help you think outside the box.

In addition, using different colour pens, your own doodles, stickers and printed card images you will make your journal truly unique.

There are many different journaling sheets available, for one-, two- and multi-card readings, daily/weekly reflections, gratitude lists etc.

cosmic journaling oracle digital edition
From: Cosmic Journaling Oracle
Digital Edition & Guidebook

The sheets are designed to be flexible; you can also use them to record your favourite quotes, things to do, books to read, films to watch, bucket lists and so much more.

And the best thing about downloads is you can print them again and again to feed your journaling habit.

My latest creation is the digital edition of the Cosmic Journaling Oracle, which comes with a guidebook including printable bonus material such as greeting cards, journaling sheets and cover pages.

The oracle deck has been specifically designed for journaling but also for divination.

Together with the guidebook you can use the cards for self-exploration while creating a unique record of your life journey.

All my printable products have been designed for paper lovers and those who would like to rediscover their passion for handwriting and the real feel of paper (rather than just keeping notes in the digital twilight zone on electronic devices).

cosmic journaling sheets
From my journaling workbook and the Cosmic Journaling Oracle guide
#cosmicjournaling on Instagram

I'd love to welcome you to the cosmic journaling club. You can make a start with my freebies, and please do let me know how you get on. You can buy my journaling ebooks here.

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness


Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Cosmic Journaling Oracle - Sensitivity

cosmic journaling oracle sensitivity
Cosmic Journaling Oracle

“Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. 

To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. 

It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. 

There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. 

Those who are at times described as being a 'hot mess' or having 'too many issues' are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. 

Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.”
- Anthon St. Maarten

What does sensitivity mean to you? 

Do you feel you need to grow a "thick skin" when people regard you as "highly strung"? 

Or do you embrace your sensitivity in order to stand your ground and take no shit?

Explore your life with the Cosmic Journaling Oracle

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Balancing Darkness and Light

balancing darkness and light
I've succumbed to the new age fad of "adult colouring"
and found that surprisingly relaxing 😄

If you have been reading my blogs for a while, then you know that I am not a member of the "love 'n' light" brigade, constantly churning out sugar-coated new age sound bites about happiness, unconditional love and floating in a state of eternal bliss.

Far from it.

My writings and the work I do are based on my personal experiences of the darkness that exists in my life - endings, loss, bereavement, change, depression, anxiety, insecurities, illness, loneliness.

The love 'n' light brigade keeps telling me to "release" all those things, "let go" or even ignore, but that's easier said than done. How exactly do you "release" depression, feelings of loss or uncertainty?

In reality, dealing with these issues involves a lot of work, which includes acknowledging, facing and embracing the shadow in our lives. It also means admitting to it!

Even in nature, there is no sunlight without the casting of a shadow, no day without night. Light and dark both have a role to play in a holistic and sustainable kind of spirituality, which is the only way to initiate growth, healing and enlightenment (wisdom).

Of course, if you tend to be a pessimist and your thoughts keep revolving around negative aspects in your life, then it is wise to have a reminder once in a while to be more positive, hence "Today focus solely on the positive", a message from my Manifest Change Cards.

It is very easy to fall into the trap of negativity when having to deal with major change and upheaval.

This card isn't about ignoring reality; it's just asking you to give yourself a break.

I pulled this card yesterday, and as a result I reminded myself of all the good stuff currently going on in my life. Also, the little things around me that give me pleasure.

I had a very productive and positive day, because I knew this wasn't about putting my head into the sand. And lo and behold, at midnight the spell was over, and I woke up early with fears of loneliness in old age....

You may be laughing now, or perhaps you understand. The point is, my spirituality is a mix of love 'n' light and doom 'n' gloom. For me, one can't exist without the other.

If some new age guru tells you to ignore all the shit in your life, then think again.

Denial and ignorance isn't the answer to your problems. 

There is much you can do to blend both aspects of your life in order to - perhaps paradoxically - be happier and more fulfilled.

Find creative outlets to confront your darkness. 

Reach out, help others. 

Divine possibilities and solutions. 

Your darkness after all may be your driving force to greatness, a way back into the light. Use it as a fuel on your journey.

Warmest wishes,


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Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness