Tuesday, 11 September 2012

A Message From Temperance

Temperance symbolises the creation of the perfect alchemical mix of opposites to create harmonious balance and healing.

“Three rules of work: 
out of clutter find simplicity; 
from discord find harmony; 
in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” 

Albert Einstein

AffirmationI carefully balance opposing needs and desires to create harmony.

For more inspiring quotes and affirmations for each card please check out my ebook Empowering Messages from the Tarot

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Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness


  1. Another lovely quote, Christiane :)

  2. Temperance is probably my favourite card. I don't know why, perhaps it's because I've always been the peacemaker, the one who wants to please everyone, usually at my own expense. Temperance reminds me that there's a balance to be struck between my needs and the needs of others if harmony is ever to be reached. Love the quote too, very much worth taking to heart. Going to make something out of that, a poster or something. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Very insightful observation, Vanessa. Temperance is a great reminder not to please others at your expense but to make compromises without anybody losing out. Great idea about creating a poster...glad to know my post has inspired you ;)

  3. A great quote - and a very timely reminder for me, so thank you for that :-)

  4. What a great quote - thank you for that ( a timely reminder for me!) - Happy Lughnasadh to you! Bright Blessings, Sasha :-)

    1. Thank you, Sasha! And a Happy Lughnasadh to you too! ;)
