Sunday, 26 May 2013

Moments of Joy

moments of joy, nine of cups

I don't need to travel the world or go bungee-jumping to live life to the full. Here are those little blissful moments I have enjoyed this week in my simple yet abundant life:

  • gardening on a sunny day
  • the smell of freshly cut grass
  • discovering the frogs have survived winter and now live in my pond
  • a curious robin nearly landed on my finger
  • the dawn chorus overpowered by the blackbird's out-of-tune tweeting
  • a new Tarot deck delivered by the postman
  • yummy porridge with chopped nuts, linseeds and sweetened with brown sugar
  • my first cup of coffee in the morning
  • the neighbours' cat purring on my lap
  • meeting up with friends in the evening to chat about books and Games of Thrones over a glass of wine
  • walking back home late at night on deserted roads...eerie but exhilarating 
  • creating more Tarot cards and deciding to run a win-a-personalised-Tarot-card competition...the response made my heart sing..and you can still enter, if you read this before the 12th June 2013 
  • watching G-Force with my son, and we were both laughing our heads off
  • anticipating mid-term break; no need to get up early this week
  • after many years I've managed to get the number of emails in my inboxdown to ZERO...I'm feeling so much lighter and organised
  • sitting in the garden watching the sunset with a glass of wine and listening to the wildlife
What are your moments of joy this week? 

Please do share them below...I'd be happy to hear from you 😃

Warmest wishes,


Journal Yourself Happy
Creative Journaling Kit

Friday, 10 May 2013

Do The Hustle Tarot Spread
This is me in my flares
ready for the Tarot Hustle ;)
I rarely share YouTube videos on my blog, but the one you're about to see has blown my socks off, so you better watch it, too ;)

It's been created by Carrie Paris for World Tarot Day (25th May), and I discovered it on Jordan Hoggard's Google+ page today.

I never thought it was possible to combine Tarot with a dance move, but it works! And the spread is just fantastic.

Don't delay any longer, get groovy with the Tarot Hustle, and let me know what you think ;)


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Tarot Readings - Insightful guidance when you need it
Learn Tarot - A magickal, inspirational tool for life
Tarot eBooks - Great value, innovative Tarot study material

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