Thursday, 25 July 2013

Five Easy Ways to Lift Your Spirits

Four of Cups
Tarot of Quotes
Feeling like the Four of Cups today?



Can't be bothered



No motivation

And to top it all off, whilst finishing off your coffee, you realise it's gone cold.

Sometimes there is a good reason for being in such a mood. Perhaps your relationship is no longer what it used to be, or your current job is stifling your ambitions and potential. Maybe it's just the rainy weather or hormones. If this is the case, then embrace your discontent as a catalyst for change.

But if you are just experiencing one of those off-days, then there is always something you can do, to lift yourself out of your black hole.

1. Start off  with a Smile

It doesn't take much energy. You don't even need to get out of bed for that. Think about happy moments you have experienced recently or in the past; funny moments, people, movies, stories... and it's even better if you can smile just out of gratitude for being alive.

If you are out and about, smile at someone passing you in the street (avoid those dodgy-looking people; a little old lady is usually safe). Chances are high they'll smile back, which is nice!

Smiling triggers endorphins in your body, which make you feel good. You don't even need to smile at people; smiling within will do. You can do this by relaxing your eyes and put on a kind attitude towards yourself and others.

Smiling within your body is a strategy found in many meditation traditions to initiate a change in your body's chemistry to raise your endorphin levels.

2. Do something you enjoy

When you feel like you are stuck in a boring and frustrating rut, take some time out and do something you enjoy. Even if it's only for ten minutes, this welcome interruption of your routine can offer new focus and inspiration.

You could listen to a track of your favourite music, and perhaps even get up and dance (provided you're in the right place for that ;)).

Have a nice cup of coffee or tea with a little treat.

Phone a friend who is cheerful and makes you laugh.

Get some fresh air to clear your head and refresh your senses.

3. Exercise

A minimum of 20 minutes exercise, such as brisk walking, will raise your serotonin (the "happy" hormone) levels in your body. You may have to really push yourself at first to make a start, but once you've done it, you will feel great. Believe me, I know!

4. Get out into Nature

There is nothing so exhilarating than a breath of fresh air in your local park or countryside. Watch the birds, look at the sky, appreciate the greenery and beauty of nature around you. In no time you are feeling less agitated, and negative thoughts start to gradually fade away.

5. Rest
Waiting can be one of the most frustrating irritations in the world. Being stuck in an airport lounge for hours or on a commuter train...sometimes the best you can do is just close your eyes and switch off from all the hustle and bustle around you.

You may also have to consider taking some rest time, if you have been working intensely for weeks on end to meet a deadline without a proper break. Nagging resentment resulting from prolonged stressful work is a sign that taking time out is essential to reboot yourself and make you feel more positive.

What's your favourite way to beat the Four-of-Cups blues?

Warmest wishes,


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Tuesday, 16 July 2013

My Life in Pics - A Week In July

If you have been wondering, what's going on in my Cosmic world, then here are a few photos I've taken over the last week, one pic a day:

1. We've been having a heatwave here in the UK, and life has slowed down a bit!

lazy summer days

2. A veggie lunch: ciabatta with red pepper spread, topped with black pepper, sun-dried tomatoes and grilled artichoke. I really want to eat less meat, and this was yummy!

vegetarian lunch

3. I discovered this week that I had roses growing in my garden. The reason why I didn't know earlier is because my garden is overgrown...

white rose

4. A love reading I did before I went on a date the other day. Ah well...

Tarot 3-card love reading

5. My garden gnome. I always thought he will serve a higher purpose one day rather than just standing there.

garden gnome

6. And here he is! Immortalised on the Six of Cups of my Tarot of Quotes:

Six of Cups

Six of Cups Haiku:

Hazy summer smile,
floating fantasy in a
pool of memory.

7. The neighbour's cat on her daily visit. Escaped from the baby in her house and enjoying a peaceful moment with me. 

I just wanted to post one pic, but couldn't choose. She's lovely on them all:

British Blue cat
British Blue cat
British Blue cat

As you can see, it's summertime, and the living is easy here at Cosmic HQ. What's happening in your part of the world? I'd love to hear from you 😎

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on: 

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Overcoming Loneliness

Sirian Starseed Tarot

"All the lonely people,
where do they all come from?
All the lonely people,
where do they all belong?"
The Beatles, Eleanor Rigby

I've had my fair share of feeling lonely in my life. As an only child, I was mostly surrounded by adults when I was young, and even though my parents and elderly relatives loved me, I sometimes missed the company of friends at weekends and during the school holidays.

But unbeknown to me at the time, experiencing loneliness in my childhood developed my resilience and resourcefulness to overcome it.

I have learned to enjoy my own company and turn loneliness into blissful solitude. I'm a true Hermit personality after all!

In addition, despite being an introvert person, I nowadays don't shy away from getting out there and make new friends.

Loneliness will affect us all at one point in our lives, especially after the loss of a loved one or a relationship breakup. It can also be experienced, when moving away to a new town, where you don't know anybody.

Yet despite millions of people going through such upheaval in their lives, loneliness seems to be a taboo subject. Nobody wants to admit that they feel lonely. Everybody pretends to be busy and living exciting lives. The reality is often different and rarely properly addressed and resolved.

If you are going through prolonged periods of loneliness, here are some tips to help you overcome it:

Four of Swords, Simply Deep Tarot
Simply Deep Tarot

1. First of all, you need to know that feeling lonely is a choice. It's not something you need to put up with. You can beat loneliness by changing your mindset and also take some practical steps.

2. Don't be ashamed to admit that you feel lonely. Tell a friend, a family member or work colleague you trust. You will be surprised about people's reaction; most of them will want to help you.

3. When you work all day in a busy environment and come home in the evening to an empty house, loneliness can easily overcome you, especially when you have dinner by yourself.

You have two choices to deal with this: either you feel sorry for yourself, or you appreciate your time alone as a welcome opportunity to relax and unwind from a hectic day at the office.

4. Learn to enjoy your own company; this is often a challenge after a relationship breakup, when suddenly your partner is no longer there for companionship. Yes, this is tough at first, but it will get better in time. Gradually, you start enjoying your big bed and the absence of someone snoring next to you.

5. Loneliness is an opportunity for you to get out of your comfort zone. Reaching out and making new friends can be a daunting thought, but you need to give yourself that little push and get out there. You are not the only one feeling alone; check out Meet-Up and other online socialising platforms to find new friends in your local area. Activities range from meeting for drinks, restaurant meals, cinema and day trips to holidays abroad.

6. Sometimes mental health problems such as depression and anxiety can turn a person into a recluse, due to lack of energy or feeling scared to leave the house. If you think this is you, then your first step is to see your GP, who may refer you to a local peer support group.

Humans are social creatures. The best way to overcome loneliness is by connecting with people, but also create balance with quality, nourishing me-time.

The video clip below is an inspirational message to all the lonely people out there. If you are one of them, please watch it. I'm sure you'll love it.

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness


Monday, 1 July 2013

The Healing Power of Speaking Out - A Moon Reflection

Moon Tarot
Tarot of Quotes

"Deep in my heart, I'm concealing
Things that I'm longing to say
Scared to confess what I'm feeling
Frightened you'll slip away."
- Madonna, You Must Love Me (Lyrics)

The Moon is a mysterious image of cryptic dreams and imagination, emotional fluctuations, insecurities and the need to reveal what is hidden.

The Moon is a shining light guiding you in the darkness of your soul. Deceptions (self-imposed or by others) need to be uncovered; combating rumours, assumptions and speculations; suppressed feelings expressed to avoid psychological problems.

The latter recently stroke a chord with me. Expressing your feelings is an important aspect of self-care, and if you are a sensitive person always conscious of how you make other people feel, then perhaps you tend to bottle up your own feelings for the sake of others.

The effects can be seriously harming your sanity: bitterness, resentment or a dramatic, emotional outburst that leave everyone in turmoil and confusion (including you).

It only takes a moment to tell someone how you feel, but once it's all out, you can start to rebuild your life again.

I'm talking about those significant feelings and emotions that are so often suppressed, because you don't want to inflict emotional pain on others, or because you are torn between options, or you are doubtful about the validity of your feelings.

"I don't love you any more." (But I do like your company...)

"I cannot live with you." (But maybe I just need to be more tolerant...)

"This job is making me ill." (But maybe I'm just too sensitive and need to get a grip...)

"I am gay." (But how will my family take it?)

"I am being bullied / abused." (But maybe it's all my fault...)

"Bad things happen at my workplace." (But I am powerless to do anything about it...)

Perhaps something has been bothering you for some time, you can't stop thinking about it, yet you cannot help but keeping your emotional turmoil hidden.

You keep building it up, and over time it will eat you up.

If you need to find the right words or build courage first... 

- write down what you want to say. Write a letter, but don't send it. Keep a diary, in which you freely express yourself without limitations. Create poems or stories that reflect your situation and feelings.

- paint it. Draw it. Photograph it. Use whichever way you can to unravel and make sense of your emotions, so you are ready and strong for the big moment.

Say it. Speak up. Let it out. Rock the boat.

It only takes a moment, but trust me, you will feel better for it.

A heavy burden will be lifted off your shoulders.

You can start breathing again.

It may cause quite a stir. Ripples in the water or big waves. Consequences unknown, but you can start

working things out

lifting the confusion

leaving the shadows behind

following your dreams

moving towards the Sun...

“That was one of the saddest things about people--their most important thoughts and feelings often went unspoken and barely understood.”
- Alexandra Adornetto, Halo

Warmest wishes,
