Thursday, 24 September 2015

Lunar Eclipse Tarot Spread and Journaling Sheet

lunar eclipse tarot spread and journaling sheet

Next week on the 27th and 28th September the world will experience a rare phenomenon: a supermoon total lunar eclipse.

The last time this event occurred was over 30 years ago, and we won't be seeing this again until 2033.

What's more, the colour of the moon will turn red, so it's aptly called a 'blood moon'.

Needless to say there are people out there, who believe the world will end on that day, but rather than being worried about that, I will instead try out a Tarot spread I created for this event.

It's a simple 3-card reading, but for some extra fun it involves the High Priestess, the Moon and the Sun:

1. Shuffle your deck thoroughly.

2. Then, look through your deck until you get to the High Priestess. The card behind her will answer the question:

What is currently hidden that needs to be revealed to me?

3. Next, look through your deck until you get to the Moon. The card behind will answer the question:

How does this affect my feelings and emotions?

4. Lastly, look through your deck until you get to the Sun. The card behind will answer the question:

How can I gain more clarity?

I tried this spread before and found it illuminated new ideas and perspectives I didn't see before and connected them with my emotions (which before had puzzled me at times). Quite a revelation, so why not give it a go at this special time of the year.

In order to make this reading even more fun, I have created a cosmic journaling sheet you can print and use to record your reading. Access the PDF document here.

This reading was first published in my Tarot Moon Journal 2015, and the 2016 edition of this popular workbook will be available early November. If you wish to be notified when it is published, please subscribe to my newsletter.

If you enjoyed this spread and its matching journal sheet, please check out my latest ebook Tarot for All Seasons.

And don't forget to let me know how it's worked for you. I'd love your feedback!

Warmest wishes,

Christiane 🌛😄🌜

Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Why Your Fears Can Be Blessings

why your fears can be a blessing
Face your Fears - Tarot of Quotes

My Ascendant is Gemini.

The corresponding Minor Arcana cards for this zodiac sign are the Eight, Nine and Ten of Swords, and the Knight of Swords...

I have lived with the energies of those cards since I was a young child, when my parents left me at home alone at times and I started developing a fear of abandonment.

Anxiety has been my middle name ever since.

It has affected me profoundly, and only now in my midlife years am I beginning to come to terms with it.

Sometimes I can ignore it, at other times I can control it, and then at bad times it can be pretty much overpowering.

But fears are not there to be shoved under the carpet.

If you find yourself worrying about the worst catastrophes that may or may not happen to you, then embrace them as blessings.


Those fears teach you lessons.

They make you aware that anything can happen at any time. Just go with the flow and surrender to those possibilities.

They show you an alternative life and ask you to remind yourself of your strength and ability to cope.

Those fears tell you that if the worst happens, you are stronger than you think.

They ask you to imagine yourself rebuilding your life, and despite tragedy you can and will experience happiness again.

Whatever your fears are, be grateful for them. Embrace them as your guides rather than being paralysed by them. They prepare you for the unexpected and unwanted.

Nobody wants to experience illness, death, poverty or heartache, but when blows like this hit you (and they will sooner or later), use your fears to make you strong rather than helpless.

When you begin to accept the possibilities of a worst case scenario, the power that your fears have over you will start to fade.

Sometimes your fears teach you to be cautious; they stop you from walking naively into a disaster zone.

Fears are useful to help you evaluate your options and realise that at times it's okay to take a risk to live life fully.

A phobia can be paralysing, severely restricting your life, but rather than imagining yourself screaming and passing out when put into that situation, picture yourself laughing and saying to yourself what was all that fuss about? 

Imagine the exhilarating freedom you will gain, when open spaces let you breathe deeply, and a plane journey takes you to new and exciting destinations.

It takes time to rewire your brain to focus on the positive rather than the frightening negative. Don't give up. Keep going.

Affirmations do work, if you keep using them.

You can ask the cards for guidance, too, by exploring questions such as

  • If the worst came to pass, what new opportunities would come up for me?
  • What good will come from it?
  • What unexpected positive experience will I have as a result?
  • How can I stay strong and pursue happiness in difficult times?

Walk with your fears, make peace with them and let them give you wings.


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness