Thursday, 24 September 2015

Lunar Eclipse Tarot Spread and Journaling Sheet

lunar eclipse tarot spread and journaling sheet

Next week on the 27th and 28th September the world will experience a rare phenomenon: a supermoon total lunar eclipse.

The last time this event occurred was over 30 years ago, and we won't be seeing this again until 2033.

What's more, the colour of the moon will turn red, so it's aptly called a 'blood moon'.

Needless to say there are people out there, who believe the world will end on that day, but rather than being worried about that, I will instead try out a Tarot spread I created for this event.

It's a simple 3-card reading, but for some extra fun it involves the High Priestess, the Moon and the Sun:

1. Shuffle your deck thoroughly.

2. Then, look through your deck until you get to the High Priestess. The card behind her will answer the question:

What is currently hidden that needs to be revealed to me?

3. Next, look through your deck until you get to the Moon. The card behind will answer the question:

How does this affect my feelings and emotions?

4. Lastly, look through your deck until you get to the Sun. The card behind will answer the question:

How can I gain more clarity?

I tried this spread before and found it illuminated new ideas and perspectives I didn't see before and connected them with my emotions (which before had puzzled me at times). Quite a revelation, so why not give it a go at this special time of the year.

In order to make this reading even more fun, I have created a cosmic journaling sheet you can print and use to record your reading. Access the PDF document here.

This reading was first published in my Tarot Moon Journal 2015, and the 2016 edition of this popular workbook will be available early November. If you wish to be notified when it is published, please subscribe to my newsletter.

If you enjoyed this spread and its matching journal sheet, please check out my latest ebook Tarot for All Seasons.

And don't forget to let me know how it's worked for you. I'd love your feedback!

Warmest wishes,

Christiane 🌛😄🌜

Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Why Your Fears Can Be Blessings

why your fears can be a blessing
Face your Fears - Tarot of Quotes

My Ascendant is Gemini.

The corresponding Minor Arcana cards for this zodiac sign are the Eight, Nine and Ten of Swords, and the Knight of Swords...

I have lived with the energies of those cards since I was a young child, when my parents left me at home alone at times and I started developing a fear of abandonment.

Anxiety has been my middle name ever since.

It has affected me profoundly, and only now in my midlife years am I beginning to come to terms with it.

Sometimes I can ignore it, at other times I can control it, and then at bad times it can be pretty much overpowering.

But fears are not there to be shoved under the carpet.

If you find yourself worrying about the worst catastrophes that may or may not happen to you, then embrace them as blessings.


Those fears teach you lessons.

They make you aware that anything can happen at any time. Just go with the flow and surrender to those possibilities.

They show you an alternative life and ask you to remind yourself of your strength and ability to cope.

Those fears tell you that if the worst happens, you are stronger than you think.

They ask you to imagine yourself rebuilding your life, and despite tragedy you can and will experience happiness again.

Whatever your fears are, be grateful for them. Embrace them as your guides rather than being paralysed by them. They prepare you for the unexpected and unwanted.

Nobody wants to experience illness, death, poverty or heartache, but when blows like this hit you (and they will sooner or later), use your fears to make you strong rather than helpless.

When you begin to accept the possibilities of a worst case scenario, the power that your fears have over you will start to fade.

Sometimes your fears teach you to be cautious; they stop you from walking naively into a disaster zone.

Fears are useful to help you evaluate your options and realise that at times it's okay to take a risk to live life fully.

A phobia can be paralysing, severely restricting your life, but rather than imagining yourself screaming and passing out when put into that situation, picture yourself laughing and saying to yourself what was all that fuss about? 

Imagine the exhilarating freedom you will gain, when open spaces let you breathe deeply, and a plane journey takes you to new and exciting destinations.

It takes time to rewire your brain to focus on the positive rather than the frightening negative. Don't give up. Keep going.

Affirmations do work, if you keep using them.

You can ask the cards for guidance, too, by exploring questions such as

  • If the worst came to pass, what new opportunities would come up for me?
  • What good will come from it?
  • What unexpected positive experience will I have as a result?
  • How can I stay strong and pursue happiness in difficult times?

Walk with your fears, make peace with them and let them give you wings.


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Cosmic Spirit Tarot and Wellness


Saturday, 8 August 2015

Three Routes To Healing Tarot Spread

three routes to healing tarot spread
While navigating my healing journey, I came across this quote on Tumblr and thought it could be turned into a Tarot spread to cope with and overcome bereavement.

It would also work well for anyone, who has experienced a painful relationship breakup, abuse, bullying or anything, which has caused an emotional wound that needs healing.

Draw one card for each question:

1. How is my pain currently expressing itself? 

It's not just about feeling sad and depressed. A myriad of feelings and emotions can be brought up by bereavement, such as guilt, anger, resentment, even less obvious ones.

2. What lesson does it offer?

What can be learned from it? How can this lesson be taken on board, so step 3 can be carried out?

3. How can I release it?

What can be done to detach from it and let go of it?

Everyone, who is feeling emotional pain, is in a vulnerable position to seek help from the most unusual places.

I know what it's like to desperately wish for the pain to go away, or for it to be magically taken away by someone else.

It's easy to be tempted to visit a "Healer", and I was pondering recently, how some Tarot readers have started to call themselves Healers, and why I cannot join them.

Yes, there are people out there, who can help you heal, but choose wisely and know that you are your own best Healer. It's hard work on your part; you cannot avoid putting in your own effort.

But I do hope that this spread will help you on your way to recovery.

Warmest wishes,


PS: You can also try the following activities to help you on your healing journey:

30 Days of Healing

Very simply, pull a card from your favourite Tarot / oracle deck each day to explore "What can I do today that will help me heal?"

Here, you learn to nurture and empower yourself to help you move forward.

30 Days of Gratitude

Just like above, pull a card each day to explore "What can I be grateful for today?"

This is a good exercise to practice positive thinking.

Click on the link below to download a specially designed journaling sheet you can use for both explorations and save it on your device. You will need to print it twice for 30 days of exploration:

Healing/Gratitude Exploration (PDF document)

The sheet is designed in such a way, that you don't need to write a lot each day; a powerful word or phrase is all you need, and it is easier to remember, too. Make it as practical as possible, so it is easy for you to take action.

If you publish the sheet with your writing on social media, please add hashtag #cosmicjournaling. I'd love to see how you get on with it, and your feedback is so very much appreciated.

This journaling sheet and so many more will be included in my new ebook.

Transform your life this year: 

Tarot Readings - Insightful guidance when you need it 
Learn Tarot - A magickal, inspirational tool for life
Tarot eBooks - Great value, innovative Tarot study material

Make sure you subscribe to my feed to receive the latest articles straight into your inbox when published.

You can also connect with me on FacebookTwitterPinterestTumbr and Instagram.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

On Losing My Parents, Keeping The Faith, Healing and Gratitude

six of cups rider waite tarot of the new vision
“Grief can be a burden, but also an anchor. You get used to the weight, how it holds you in place.” 
Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever

On 7th July my father died. His funeral was two weeks ago, on Thursday, the 16th.

He was 93 years old, frail and wanted to go, because he was sick of his body slowly giving up on him.

With my father gone, I'm now an orphan as my mother died in 2001.

Most of us will have to endure the loss of our parents at one point in our lives. It's a daunting rite of passage borne out of the natural flow of life.

I can feel the gaping hole in my life. Even though I didn't always get on with my parents, I know they always loved me unconditionally.

There is nobody else, who loves me this way.

Unconditional love is a very rare commodity. Friends and lovers come and go, and yes, of course there is love, but it tends to come with strings attached such as compromises and adjustments.

If it doesn't work out, people move on.

But my parents never did, even though I did some crazy things in the past they didn't approve of. I always had their unconditional love and a safe haven to retreat to when my world was crashing apart.

I'd like to think they are still around somehow and watch over me.

But faith for me isn't just about something I wish or believe.

I am having faith in myself, knowing that despite my loss I am grateful and enjoy life.

I know that a new chapter has begun for me, and I keep growing and evolving, and there will always be change that needs to be embraced rather than resisted.

My broken heart will heal, yet a scar will remain, and that scar will teach me more lessons about life, love, compassion, impermanence, letting go and making the most of the time I have on this planet.

My parents will always be part of me. The way they brought me up is reflected in my personality today.

Both were victims of the Second World War, which affected them deeply. No doubt that burden has been passed on to me during my childhood, even though I am carrying a lighter load.

“Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak knits up the o-er wrought heart and bids it break.”
William Shakespeare,

Memories are invoked when looking through old photo albums. Pictures of my parents being young and in love, stylish black and white photos from the 50s and early sixties.

I will be sharing a few of them on Instagram, not just because they are about my parents, but they are such fascinating images from a bygone era.

Posting those pics won't be dwelling and being depressing, but it will be joyful and fun.

“Everyone grieves in different ways. For some, it could take longer or shorter. I do know it never disappears. An ember still smolders inside me. Most days, I don’t notice it, but, out of the blue, it’ll flare to life.”
Maria V. Snyder,
Storm Glass

I keep thinking about the way I grieve. Am I grieving at all?

Since my return from Germany, after one day of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, I have had the urge to get back to my work and my life. Just as if nothing happened.

Of course I cried.

Firstly, when I saw my father lying on his deathbed in the hospital, knowing that this would be the last time I would ever see him.

I spoke to him and stroked his forehead. When I felt it was time to go, I covered his face with the white sheet the nurse had pulled back earlier.

Secondly, at his funeral surrounded by family and friends, when I had to leave him for good.

There were a few tears in between, but otherwise grief hasn't overcome me. They say that grief comes in waves, and I know that there will be moments in which I will miss him terribly, just like my mother, who died in 2001.

But life is for the living, and I know there is still so much for me to do. All that knowing is the basis of my faith.

Healing and Gratitude 

Perhaps you are going through a similar situation. Bereavement requires healing. There is something you can do to help yourself heal.

30 Days of Healing

Very simply, pull a card from your favourite Tarot / oracle deck each day to explore "What can I do today that will help me heal?"

Here, you learn to nurture and empower yourself to help you move forward.

30 Days of Gratitude

Just like above, pull a card each day to explore "What can I be grateful for today?"

This is a good exercise to practice positive thinking.

I have created a special journaling sheet you can use for both explorations. Click on the link below to download and save it on your device. You will need to print it twice for 30 days of exploration:

Healing/Gratitude Exploration (PDF document)

The sheet is designed in such a way, that you don't need to write a lot each day; a powerful word or phrase is all you need, and it is easier to remember, too. Make it as practical as possible, so it is easy for you to take action.

If you publish the sheet with your writing on social media, please add hashtag #cosmicjournaling. I'd love to see how you get on with it, and your feedback is so very much appreciated.

This journaling sheet and so many more will be included in my new ebook.

Warmest wishes,


Transform your life this year: 

Tarot Readings - Insightful guidance when you need it 
Learn Tarot - A magickal, inspirational tool for life
Tarot eBooks - Great value, innovative Tarot study material

Make sure you subscribe to my feed to receive the latest articles straight into your inbox when published.

You can also connect with me on FacebookTwitterPinterestTumbr and Instagram.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Introducing Cosmic Journaling

chakra wisdom oracle cards
There is so much I want to cover in this post, and I'm not sure where to begin.

But after having just taken a deep breath, I start with the Chakra Wisdom Oracle, which I recently bought and immediately loved the cards and the whole concept of the deck.

So I decided to use this deck together with the Tarot of the New Vision to do the Life is a Bed of Roses reading.

My post isn't about the actual reading but how I have recorded it.

You see, I'm in the process of creating completely different kind of journaling sheets that I hope will encourage and inspire you to write, putting your readings, thoughts and observations about your spiritual journey onto paper in a more fun and creative way.

cosmic journaling
On the image here you can see that I have made notes of my reading on the sheet surrounded by the cards I have drawn.

You can download the sheet here and try it out for yourself. Perhaps you can even do a better job than me filling it in.

My handwriting has become a bit dodgy after years of using a keyboard, and I could have used different colour pens to make it even prettier.

The nice thing about these journal sheets is that you can reprint and use them as often as you like. Along the way you will start to set your imagination free...and perhaps improve your handwriting too!

I have already created lots of different sheets for various readings / spreads and spiritual explorations, which will be available in an ebook soon, and already had such fun filling them in.

Cosmic journaling isn't just about writing into a plain notebook; it's about turning your writing into a visual experience and in the process help you unblock your creativity.

Let me know what you think. Use the journaling sheet, take a pic of it and post to Twitter or Instagram with hashtag #cosmicjournaling. You can also tag me @cosmicfaery.

Find out more about Cosmic Faery's Journal Workbook coming in September 2015.

chakra wisdom oracle cards
Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards
(c) Watkins Media Ltd. 2014
And last but not least, having mentioned the Chakra Wisdom oracle cards earlier, I really enjoy working with them at the moment.

It is very rare for me to connect with an oracle deck (I'm very much a tarot girl at heart), but this one really speaks to me, and I learn more about the Chakras, which I always wanted to do.

I have had some fascinating readings with these cards, for myself and others, so if this kind of deck appeals to you, then I can highly recommend it.

Warmest wishes,


Transform your life this year: 

Tarot Readings - Insightful guidance when you need it 
Learn Tarot - A magickal, inspirational tool for life
Tarot eBooks - Great value, innovative Tarot study material

Make sure you subscribe to my feed to receive the latest articles straight into your inbox when published.

You can also connect with me on FacebookTwitterPinterestTumbr and Instagram.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Life Is A Bed Of Roses

roses in tarot cards
Roses on Tarot cards
Universal Waite Tarot deck, (c) US Games 2008
The other day I heard someone say "life isn't a bed of roses, you know", and I found myself quietly disagreeing.

Life is truly a bed of roses.

Plenty of beautiful and fragrant blooms (which we sometimes overlook or take for granted), but also little annoying thorns hiding between the sheets!

Then I looked at my RWS Tarot deck to find all the cards that contained roses, and I found nine (see pic).

We can find roses on challenging cards, where they may indicate the need to pay more attention to what goes well in one's life rather than being all consumed by doom and adversity.

Roses are a bit like double-edged swords: the femme fatale, no gain without pain, yin and yang, feminine (blooms) and masculine (thorns), Venus and Mars.

So the following reading involves the Empress (Venus - beauty, love, nurture, creativity) and the Tower (Mars - strife, conflict, upheaval, destruction).

This two-card snapshot reading is about recognising and appreciating the beauty in your life while looking out for the thorns that are lying in wait ready to prick you. Ouch.

First, thoroughly shuffle your deck.

1. What is beautiful in your life right now?

Look through your cards until you get to the Empress. The card behind the Empress reveals something good in your life that you need to recognise and cherish.

2. Hidden thorns you need to watch out for

Look through your cards until you get to the Tower. The card behind the Tower reveals something unsettling that you need to be aware of.

bed of roses journaling sheet #cosmicjournaling
It's quirky, a bit wacky, it's outside the box!
Download and get writing.
You can record your reading on this funky journaling sheet (.pdf), which is a little taster of what's to come in my forthcoming ebook Cosmic Faery's Journal - Tarot and Spirituality Workbook, available in September 2015.

I'd love to see pics of your completed journaling sheets - post them on Instagram, Twitter etc. using #cosmicjournaling in your description.

If you would like to receive more journaling sheets over the coming months, then please subscribe to my mailing list. If you have already signed up, then hurray! Another journaling sheet is already on its way.

Warmest wishes,


Transform your life this year: 

Tarot Readings - Insightful guidance when you need it 
Learn Tarot - A magickal, inspirational tool for life
Tarot eBooks - Great value, innovative Tarot study material

Make sure you subscribe to my feed to receive the latest articles straight into your inbox when published.

You can also connect with me on FacebookTwitterPinterestTumbr and Instagram.

Friday, 22 May 2015

How Does He Feel About Me?

how does he feel about me
Over the years I have tackled all sorts of questions as a Tarot reader, and I don't rephrase any of them.

How does he feel about me? is one of those that keeps coming up.

This question is asked for a number of reasons, including:

1. You've just met someone and wonder, if they like you as much as you like them.

2. A relationship has ended, and you're wondering, if they still have feelings for you that may get you back together.

3. You are dating someone, but keep getting mixed messages about their intention.

If you decide to ask me for a reading to get clarity on any of the above, then I must confess:

I cannot tell for sure, because tuning into someone's feelings without their permission rarely offers a clear and correct answer.

You see, when I do a reading for you, then the cards drawn are about you and how you are connected to others, not the other way round.

Speculating about other people's feelings isn't helping, if you are ignoring yourself. When you focus on other people's feelings, you are handing over your power to them. Don't do this to yourself.

Instead, I'd like to encourage you to consider the possible answers to your question from your perspective:

1. If you're wondering, whether someone is interested in you, then it's always best to look out for the signs. It often takes a little time and patience, even courage, when you have to make the first move, but it's worth it. One way or the other you will gain clarity, and you'll learn an important life skill, namely to read people based on their (non-)actions and (lack of) communication.

2. The ending of a relationship is painful, but this isn't the right time to wonder about their feelings. What about yours? Accept that it's over for now and work on moving on, rather than looking back. Acceptance of the breakup also helps you put closure on it, if this is something you are seeking with a reading.

3. If someone goes hot and cold on you, then chances are, they might not be that in to you. Perhaps they have commitment issues or other complex stuff going on in their life, but that's not for you to waste your precious time thinking about. If their intention is vague and it drives you nuts, don't care about what they feel, care about yourself and let go.

You need to be aware that reading about other people's thoughts, actions and feelings without their knowledge or permission is just speculation, and the cards drawn will mostly reflect your energies, not theirs.

But if you still want to ask how does he feel about me?, then go ahead; a one-card reading or mini reading will suffice to offer you some insight and an empowering message to help you move forward.

Warmest wishes,


Transform your life this year: 

Tarot Readings - Insightful guidance when you need it 
Learn Tarot - A magickal, inspirational tool for life
Tarot eBooks - Great value, innovative Tarot study material

Make sure you subscribe to my feed to receive the latest articles straight into your inbox when published.

You can also connect with me on FacebookTwitterPinterestTumbr and Instagram.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

The Wisdom of Judgement

judgement tarot of quotes
Tarot of Quotes
Judgement is all around us, most notably in the media. All that celebrity gossip is practically begging us to form an opinion about people, who we don't actually know and we really shouldn't care about.

We are quick to judge others - by their looks, clothes, jobs, possessions, religion, status, nationality etc. - and we can also be our own worst critic.

Judgement is encouraging us to rise above it all, to let go of what doesn't concern us and to see the bigger picture without emotions and the drama.

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do in order to live a happy and fulfilled life, even if it means you are not meeting other people's expectations. Be true to yourself.

"It’s okay to live a life others don’t understand." 
Jenna Woginrich

Rather than just passing judgement on someone and dismissing them for their actions, follow it up with forgiveness to avoid lingering anger and resentment.

Likewise, when people keep holding the past against you, you may need to walk away.

If people refuse to look at you in a new light and they can only see you for what you were, only see you for the mistakes you've made, if they don't realize that you are not your mistakes, then they have to go.” 
Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

If you are faced with criticism or rejection, remember: 

Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.

Be honest. Nobody is perfect including you. Recognise and admit you've made a mistake. It's a lesson learned

“More people would learn from their mistakes, if they weren't so busy denying them.” 
Harold J. Smith
Judgement may ask you to make plans for the future, find a new goal or even your life purpose:

“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.”

Judgement may indicate that you have changed.

You have grown.

You've come a long way.

Perhaps one chapter in your life story needs to be closed, so you can begin a new one.

Recognising a new beginning.

Feeling reborn.

What to avoid: righteousness, prejudice, intolerance, self-deception, narrow-mindedness, ignorance, indecision, negative self-talk.

Affirmation: I trust and believe in myself.

⭐For more inspiring quotes and affirmations for each card, check out The Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook